- 2011-10-27 09:45杏鲍菇菌渣循环利用技术研究Study on the Recycling Use Technology of Spent Pleurotus eryngii Substrate
- 2011-10-27 09:44金福菇3种覆土出菇模式的比较试验Comparative Experiment of Three Casing Ways on Tricholoma lobayense Heim
- 2011-10-27 09:39巨大口蘑Tsw-06生物学特性研究Research on the Biological Characteristics of Tricholoma giganteum Tsw-06
- 2011-10-27 09:38蛹虫草继代培养后主要生物学性状的变化The Biological Characteristics of Cordyceps militaris During Successive Transfer C
- 2011-10-27 09:33大红菇出菇特性研究Characteristics Research of Pruducing Mushroom about Russula sanguinea
- 2011-10-27 09:32云南商品牛肝菌中易混淆毒牛肝系统学研究Systematics of the Easily Confusing Poisonous Boletes from Yunnan Wild Mushroom M
- 2011-10-27 09:30灵芝粗多糖对糖尿病小鼠的降血糖作用The Hypoglycemic Effects of Crude Polysaccharides Extract from Ganoderma lucidum in
- 2011-10-27 09:268种中药对灵芝子实体成分的作用Effect of Eight Kinds of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Ganoderma lucidum
- 2011-10-27 09:24滇中蛹虫草居群生物学及其生态学习性研究Study on the Biological and Ecological Habits of Populations of Cordyceps militar
- 2011-10-27 09:23灵芝醋饮料加工工艺优化研究Optimization of Processing Technique for Ganoderma lucidum Vinegar Beverage
- 2011-10-27 09:20吡虫啉对菇蝇蚊防效及对食用菌菌丝生长影响Controlling Efficiency of Imidacloprid to Flies and Its Affection on Edible Fung
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- 2011-10-27 09:18菌蕈菜谱
- 2011-10-27 09:17农村食用菌专业合作社基地发展模式的探讨
- 2011-10-27 09:16首届中华菌文化节将于9月开幕
- 2011-10-27 09:15食用菌生长发育机制的我见
- 2011-10-27 09:14草菇培养料配方和栽培方式的研究初报
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- 2011-10-27 09:10防虫网防治猪苓蛴螬危害的增产试验研究
- 2011-10-27 09:09平菇半地下式塑料大棚栽培综合应用探讨Integrated Applications and Yield Analysis of Semi-underground Plastic Greenhouses
- 2011-10-27 09:08近期全国部分地区食用菌价格
- 2011-10-12 11:32保水剂在平菇栽培中的应用研究
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- 2011-10-12 11:28菌蕈菜谱 三丝牛肝菌
- 2011-10-12 11:27祁连山国家自然保护区大型真菌资源研究初报
- 2011-10-12 11:27双孢蘑菇菌种液氮保种方法的研究
- 2011-10-12 11:26蜜环菌菌种的分离纯化复壮研究
- 2011-10-12 11:25用玉米芯替代木屑栽培黑木耳的研究
- 2011-10-12 11:24平菇2潮后菌棒畦式覆土法和菌墙法效果比较
- 2011-10-12 10:52鸡腿菇高产栽培技术初步探索