- 2012-02-15 14:41香菇菌株遗传多样性ISSR、RAPD和SRAP综合分析Differentiation of Lentinula edodes Strains Using ISSR,RAPD and SRAP mark
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- 2012-02-15 14:06香菇菌丝体杆形病毒的RT-PCR检测及鉴定Detection of a Rod-shaped Virus in Lentinula edodes Mycelium Using RT-PCR
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- 2012-02-15 11:41香菇的分子生物学技术研究进展Advances on Molecular Biological Study of Lentinus edodes
- 2012-02-15 11:40我国食用菌标准现状分析The Analyse of the Actualities of our State Standards for Edible Fungi
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