- 2012-04-14 17:31IC法快速测定皱盖疣柄牛肝菌中5种阴离子含量Determination of Five Anions in Leccinum rugosiceps Fruit Bodies Using Ion Chr
- 2012-04-14 17:30高效液相色谱法测定食用菌中福美双残留量Development of a HPLC-based Method for Determining Thiram in the Fruit Bodies of
- 2012-04-14 17:28气相色谱法分析柱状田头菇子实体中农药残留量Determination of Chlorpyrifos,Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin Residues in Agrocyb
- 2012-04-14 17:27高雄山虫草无性型研究进展Research on Cordyceps takaomontana and Its Anamorph,Isaria tenuipes
- 2012-04-14 17:26中国奥德蘑属栽培研究进展Cultivation of Oudemansiella in China-A Review
- 2012-04-14 17:20药用真菌桑黄的抗氧化研究进展Antioxidant Activity of Phellinus species
- 2012-04-14 17:19《食用菌学报》2011年第18卷第1~4期总目次
- 2012-04-14 17:11药用真菌猪苓的研究现状及应用展望The Status and Application Prospects of Polyponus umbellatus
- 2012-04-14 17:10吃蘑菇五大好处
- 2012-04-14 17:09三峡野生灵芝的审美价值The Appreciation Value of the Beauty of the Three Gorges Wildness Glossy Ganoderma
- 2012-04-14 17:08著作权转让声明
- 2012-04-14 17:07莆田老鹰尖自然保护区野生食用菌资源调查Investigation of the Wild Edible Fungi in Nature Reserve of Putian Laoyingjian
- 2012-04-14 17:07防治感冒多吃香菇炖鸡
- 2012-04-14 17:06北虫草菌种人工分离的研究Research on Different Parts of the Cordyceps military Tissue Isolation and Continuous Cu
- 2012-04-14 17:05草菇工厂化液体菌种制作与出菇试验
- 2012-04-14 17:04杏鲍菇生产中菌包“弱菌丝”现象研究Investgation on Weak Mycelium in the Production of Pleurotus eryngii
- 2012-04-14 17:0310个草菇菌株比较研究Studies on Comparisons of Ten Strains of Volvariella volvacea
- 2012-04-14 17:02干旱对羊肚菌自然生长的影响
- 2012-04-14 17:01食用菌菌糠再利用研究The Recycles Study on Spent Substrate of Edible Fungus
- 2012-04-14 17:00适合虫草素积累的蛹虫草液体培养条件的优化Optimization of Liquid Surging Fermentation Conditions with Cordyceps militaris
- 2012-04-14 16:59常吃香菇和金针菇可防治癌症
- 2012-04-14 16:58云南野生大红菇多糖水提法工艺研究Optimization of Extraction Technology of Polysaccharide from Wild Russula alutacea o
- 2012-04-14 16:57云南不同产地茯苓总三萜含量测定
- 2012-04-14 16:45食用菌蛋白质评价及品种间氨基酸互补性分析Quality Evaluation of Protein in the Edible Fungus and Utilizing the Complementa
- 2012-04-14 16:44点柄粘盖牛肝菌粗多糖体外抗氧化活性的研究Study on Antioxidant Activity of Coarse Polysaccharides from Suillus granulatus
- 2012-04-14 16:42红菇子实体多糖的提取及其抗氧化活性研究Study on the Extraction and Anti-oxidant Activities of Polysaccharide from Russul
- 2012-04-14 16:40重庆彭水野生美味牛肝菌菌丝分离与鉴定Hyphe Separation and Identification of Wild Boletus edulis in Chongqing Pengshui
- 2012-04-14 16:38菇类能防病治病
- 2012-04-14 16:37食用菌浸制标本制作与保存方法研究
- 2012-04-14 16:36食用菌工厂化带动产业发展的实施对策