作 者:Louis Lamaison,Jean-Marie Polese 著
出 版 社:
版 次:1
页 数:240
字 数:
纸 张:铜版纸
I S B N:9783833112393
包 装:精装
The Great Encyclopedia of Mushrooms throws new light on the mushroom kingdom.
Every effort has been made to facilitate the identification of fungi——even by an amateur——thanks to the quality and quantiW of the photographs which are used throughout the book,as well as the original keys to identification which are also richly illustrated With nearly 500 species and 1.000 photo-graphs,this guide covers a wide range of wild mushrooms and thus constitutes a reference work of major importance.
出 版 社:
版 次:1
页 数:240
字 数:
纸 张:铜版纸
I S B N:9783833112393
包 装:精装
The Great Encyclopedia of Mushrooms throws new light on the mushroom kingdom.
Every effort has been made to facilitate the identification of fungi——even by an amateur——thanks to the quality and quantiW of the photographs which are used throughout the book,as well as the original keys to identification which are also richly illustrated With nearly 500 species and 1.000 photo-graphs,this guide covers a wide range of wild mushrooms and thus constitutes a reference work of major importance.