赵俊 田淑敏 Kari KORHONEN 戴玉成 刘春如
摘 要:在调查研究蜜环菌生物种的过程中,先后在东北、华北、华中和西南地区,发现了四个新的中国蜜环菌生物种,CBSF、CBSG、CBSH和CBSI。研究表明,CBSG属于典型的同宗配合种,其余三个为异宗配合。CBSH与CBSC之间存在部分互交可育,比例高达17.8%,在同一个国家的两个种之间出现如此高的互交可育比例还是首次报道。上述三个生物种同欧美的已知蜜环菌种均互交不育,为亚洲特有种。CBSI为无菌环的假蜜环菌A.tabescens(Scop.)Emel,它与欧洲的假蜜环菌互交可育,属于同种。但同中国其它各生物种互交不育。同时讨论了蜜环菌生物种的群体观点。
分类号:Q939.5 文献标识码:A
QIN Guo-Fu(Genaral Station of Forest Pest Control, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, 110034, China)
ZHAO Jun(Genaral Station of Forest Pest Control, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, 110034, China)
TIAN Shu-Min(Genaral Station of Forest Pest Control, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, 110034, China)
KORHONEN K(Finnish Forest Research Institute,P.O.Box 18, FIN-01301, Vantaa,Finland)
DAI Yu-Cheng(Botanical Museum,University of Helsinki,P.O.Box 47, FIN-00014, Finland)
LIU Chun-Ru(Hunan Forestry College,Hengyang, 421005, China)
Abstract:Four new biological species of Armillaria in China were determined from forty basidiocarps which collected from northern and southwestern China by total 4560 pair combinations of singles spore isolates. Twelve basidiocarps were deduced sexuality: homothallism from 3 basidiocarps and heterothallism from other 9 ones. These four species was named Chinese Biological Species(CBS) F, G, H, I, repectively, and intersterile with European and North American species of Armillaria except CBS I which was compatible with European A.tabescens (Scop.) Emel completely and should be considered conspecific. CBS G is homothallic species and distributed in southern China. CBS F is heterothallic species and distributed in northeastern China mainly. CBS H are heterothallic species and partial compatible with CBS C. The seasonal and geographical information of these CBS are discussed as well.
Keywords:Armillaria, Chinese biological species of Armillaria, A.tabescens, Homothallism, Heterothallism
作者单位:赵俊(国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站沈阳 110034)
田淑敏(国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站沈阳 110034)
Kari KORHONEN(芬兰国家林业研究所,P.O.Box18,FIN-01301,Vantaa,Finland)
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