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    虫草多型现象的5.8S rDNA 和ITS2 序列测定研究

    【发布日期】:2004-11-09  【来源】:
    【核心提示】:虫草多型现象的5.8SrDNA和ITS2序列测定研究康冀川 梁宗琦 刘爱英 理查Y.C.孔 摘 要:新定名的甘肃虫草Cordycepsga

    虫草多型现象的5.8S rDNA 和ITS2 序列测定研究

    康冀川 梁宗琦 刘爱英 理查Y.C.孔 

    摘 要:新定名的甘肃虫草Cordycepsgansuensi与冬虫夏草Cordycepssinensi形态相似。蛹虫草Cordycepsmilitaris具有拟青霉型(Paecilomyces-type)和轮枝孢型(Verticillium-type)两类无性型。此研究对5.8SrRNA基因及ITS2间区DNA序列的分析结果表明,甘肃虫草和冬虫夏草的DNA序列相同,属于同一种;蛹虫草的两类无性型具有分子水平上的遗传趋异性。


    分类号:Q939.96 文献标识码:A



    KANG Ji-Chuan(Department of Plant Pathology, University of Stellenbosch, P.Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa) 

    LIANG Zong-Qi(Laboratory of Fungus Resources, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025) 

    LIU Ai-Ying(Laboratory of Fungus Resources, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025) 

    LIU Ai-Ying(Department of Biology and Chemistry, The City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong) 

    Abstract:Cordyceps gansuensis, C. sinensis and C. militaris are reexamined in this study.Cordyceps gansuensis morphologically resembles C.sinensis, while C.militaris has two different types of anamorphs, the Paecilomyces-type and the Verticillium-type. Analysis of DNA sequences of the 5.8S rRNA gene and partial internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region of the fungi indicate that C.gansuensis and C.sinensis are conspecific and that the two types of anamorphs of C.militaris are diverse at molecular level.

    Keywords:Cordyceps sinensis, C.gansuensis, C.militaris, Molecular studies, Polymorphism.


    作者单位:康冀川(Stellenbosch 大学植物病理系,南非 Matieland 7602) 

         梁宗琦(贵州大学真菌资源研究室,贵阳 550025) 

         刘爱英(贵州大学真菌资源研究室,贵阳 550025) 



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