程东升 山口岳广 王志娟 潘学仁
摘要: 木蹄层孔菌(Fomes fomentarius)在中国东北和日本存在子实体形态不同、寄主范围明显有别的两个类型:小型和大型。用多位点分析方法研究了两者间的遗传分化状况。从两类41个菌株的4种酶系统中检测出9个基因位点,其中8个位点上的绝大多数酶谱型都不为两者所共有,显示两个类型间的基因交流已极少发生。根据酶谱型频率得出两者间的遗传距离D=0.965,属于典型的种间遗传分化。上述酶基因分化证据结合子实体形态的显著差异,提示两类木蹄层孔菌是各自独立的种。两个类型的群体在遗传多样性参数上无显著差异,可能暗示两者在起源演化上的同步性。酯酶系统有2个位点上的酶谱为不同类型所特有且稳定而清晰,可作为分子标记用于两类木蹄层孔菌的无子实体鉴定。
关键词: 木蹄层孔菌、多位点酶、遗传分化
中图分类号: W939.96 文献标识码:A
文章编号: 1007-3515(2000)01-0081-0086
CHENG Dong-Jheng
(Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083)
(Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan)
WANG Zhi-Juan,PAN Xue-Ren
(Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040)
ABSTRACT: The wood-decaying fungus Fomes fomentarius has been observed in Japan and Northeastern China to have two morphologically different types hased on its fruiting body. Forty-one isolates representing the two types collected from China and Japan were subjected to multilocus enzyme analysis, to obtain information about the relationship between the two types. Nine putative isozyme loci were detected from 4 enzyme systems and on 8 of them the two fungal types differed greatly from each other in isozyme phenotype frequencies, indicating thatlittle gene flow occurs in nature between the two fungal groups. Genetic distance coefficient (D=0.965) between two types fell into the magnitude differentiating species. The above isozyme data, in couple with the morphological differences, strongly suggest that the two types are separate species. The level of isozyme phenotypic diversity between the two types was not significantly different, possibly suggesting the synchronism of their origination. The isozyme patterns on two EST loci consistently distinguished the two types, demonstrating their usefulness for culture identification when fruiting bodies are unavailable.
KEY WORDS: Fomes fomentarius, Multilocus enzyme, Genetic differentiation
程东升(北京林业大学 北京 100083)
王志娟(东北林业大学 哈尔滨 150040)
潘学仁(东北林业大学 哈尔滨 150040)
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