Polymorphisms of Genetic Characters in Sporulated Monocaryotic Strains of Auricularia Auricula
Abstract:We studied the relationship between the polymorphisms of the mycelial growth vigor and growth rate with the mating type of 38 sporulated monocaryotic strains, esterase patterns polymorphism of 14 sporulated monocaryotic strains, carboxymethyl cellucose(CMC) enzyme relative activities of 10 sporulated monocaryotic strains of Auricularia auricula. The results showed that polymorphism in the mycelial growth vigor and growth rate existed among the sporulated monocaryotic A. auricula strains tested. There was no serious deviation in the 11 ratios between mating type A and mating type a. Ten marker bands of esterase isozyme with different movement rates and 70 bands were screened in 14 tested strains. Compared with parental bicaryotic strain of Au-8, 5 new bands emerged. The CMC enzyme relative activities of 10 sporulated monocaryotic strains of A. auricula were not regular. It was therefore concluded that there was no significant relationship between the mycelial growth vigor and rate with the mating type, and that significant variation was produced among the sporulated monocaryotic strains of A. auricula.
Keywords:Auricularia auricula; sporulated monocaryotic strains; polymorphism; culture characteristics; esterase isozyme; CMC enzyme relative activity
何培新 罗信昌 杨绳桃 张长铠
摘 要:研究了38个木耳孢子单核菌株的菌丝生长势、菌丝生长速度和其交配型,14个单核菌株的酯酶同工酶以及10个单核菌株的羧甲基纤维素(CMC)酶相对活性,分析了菌丝生长势和菌丝生长速度与交配型的关系.结果表明,供试的木耳孢子单核菌株之间在研究的各遗传性状均出现了一定程度的多态性.在测定的38个孢子单核菌株中,交配型A有21个菌株,交配型a有17个菌株,A∶a=21∶17.经χ2检验,两种交配型未出现1∶1严重偏离.木耳孢子单核菌株菌丝生长势和菌丝生长速度与其交配型没有明显相关性.在14个单核菌株中,检测到10种具有不同迁移率的酯酶同工酶标记谱带.与亲本双核菌株相比,出现了5条新的谱带.10个木耳孢子单核菌株的CMC酶相对活性呈不规律分布.
关键词:木耳; 孢子单核菌株; 培养性状; 酯酶同工酶; CMC酶; 多态性
CLC Number:S646.6;Q933
Foundation Item:Supported by the Open Project of State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University
Author Resume:He Peixin, male,born in 1970,B.S.,associate professor,Ph.D student in College of Life Science Shandong University,Jinan 250100
Author Unit:何培新(华中农业大学农业微生物农业部重点实验室,武汉,430070;山东大学生命科学学院,济南,250100)
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2004 Vol.23 No.1