Mating Type Factor A and Mating Pheromone Production of Tremella fuciformis
Abstract:Eight strains of Tremella fuciformis were studied. Intrastrain and interstrain cross between single spore isolated from the eight strains indicated that the mating type factor A were biallelic.The effects of culture condition on mating pheromone production by T. fuciformis spores was studied. Single factor and orthogonal tests indicated the optimal culture condition for mating pheromone production was sucrose 20 g/L, (NH4)2SO4 12 mmol/L, MgSO4.*7H2O 0.25 g/L, KH2PO4*3H2O 0.5 g/L,VB1 0.2 mg/L,ZnSO4*7H2O 2 mg/L,CaCl2.*2H2O 0.5 g/L,(NH4)6Mo7O24*4H2O 0.02 mg/L,23 ℃,pH 6.5, 140 r/min. In the optimal culture condition, the highest activity was detected at the culture time of 4 days.The mating pheromone was completely inactivated by the treatment with pepsin, suggesting that the mating pheromone produced by H32 is a kind of peptide.
Keywords:Tremella fuciformis; mating type factor; mating pheromone
盛桂华 陈立国 马爱民
摘 要:以8个银耳菌株为材料,研究交配型因子A在不同菌株中的分布,菌株内及菌株间单孢分离物配对试验结果表明,此8个菌株中只有两个不同的A因子,与前人报道的银耳是限制型双因子交配系统的报道是一致的.研究了培养条件对银耳孢子产交配信息素的影响, 结果表明银耳孢子产交配信息素的较佳培养基为: 蔗糖 20 g/L ,(NH4)2SO4 1.584 g/L(含N 24 mmol/L), MgSO4*7H2O 0.25 g/L , KH2PO4*3H2 O 0.5 g/L , VB1 0.2 mg/L , ZnSO4*7H2O 2 mg/L , CaCl2*2H2O 0.5 g/L,钼酸铵0.02 mg/L.最佳发酵条件为培养基pH 6.5,23 ℃,140 r/min,在优化培养基和培养条件下,培养4 d发酵液中交配信息素的活性最高,可达到12 U/mL,是在基础培养基中活力的5~6倍.银耳交配信息素经胃蛋白酶处理后,活性完全丧失,由此推测,银耳交配信息素是一种多肽类物质.
关键词:银耳; 交配型因子; 交配信息素
CLC Number:S646.601
Foundation Item:Supported by a grant from The Center for Microbial Resources, The Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS)
Author Resume:Sheng Guihua, born in 1976, master of College of Plant Science and Technology,Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
Author Unit:盛桂华(华中农业大学植物科学与技术学院,武汉,430070)
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2004 Vol.23 No.1