Biological Characteristics of Wild Tricholoma lobayense Strain
Abstract:In this paper, the biological characteristics of wild strain of Tricholoma lobayense were primarily tested. The results showed that the optimum carbon source and nitrogen source for mycelial growth were sucrose and yeast extract respectively, optimum pH value in medium was 6.5, and optimum temperature was 30 oC. It grew much better under full dark condition than treated with illumination. The best natural substrate for this fungus was cotton seed hull which contained 1.4 times (w/w) of water.
Keywords:Tricholoma lobayense; biological characteristics; mushroom
刘月廉 陈爱珠 郭荣发 谭树明 温美英
摘 要:对洛巴伊口蘑(Tricholoma lobyense Heim)生物学特性做了初步的研究.结果表明,适于洛巴伊口蘑菌丝生长的最佳碳源为蔗糖,最佳氮源为酵母膏;最佳pH 6.5,最佳温度为30 ℃;在黑暗状态下更适于生长.最佳自然基质为棉籽壳,最适宜的料水比为1∶1.40.
关键词:洛巴伊口蘑; 生物学特性; 蘑菇
CLC Number:S646.1+50.1
Foundation Item:Supported by the Sc-Tech Foundation of Zhanjiang(B02049)
Author Resume:Liu Yuelian, female, born in 1965, graduate, Asoc. Prof. Address:Agricultural College of Zhanjiang Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088
Author Unit:刘月廉(湛江海洋大学农学院,湛江,524088)
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