Abstract:Ribonucleic acid and 5'-nucleotide were tested for fructification of Tricholoma matsutake in the field. Water solutions of RNAs were directly added to the mycelial colony of pine forest floor prior to fructification stage. Content of glucosamine, ergosterol and phospholipid of mycorrhizal fine roots were measured for estimation of mycelial status during growth and fructification stages. Phospholipid content was rapidly increased after RNAs addition. RNA solutions affected to make higher level of the mycelial components than control. As the final results, yield and number of T. matsutake fruit body were dramatically increased by the addition of RNAs during fructification period. This procedure was repeatedly done on the same plots three times in every fructification season, and resulted to all positive effect for RNAs supplement.
Keywords:mushroom, mycorrhiza, RNA stimulation additive
大贺祥治 姚方杰 赵南爽 北本丰 李玉
摘 要:施用核糖核酸和5'-核苷酸试验,其对生长于林间的松茸子实体的活化作用.在形成子实体之前将RNA关联物的水溶液直接洒入带有菌丝群落的松树林地表层.为了估计处于生长和形成子实体时期菌丝的状况对高菌根含量根中核苷、麦角固醇和磷脂的含量进行分析.与对照相比,RNA关联物的水溶液对提高核苷、麦角固醇和磷脂含量有作用,施用RNA关联物后9天磷脂含量迅速增加,RNA关联物有助于形成密集的菌丝群落.试验最后结果表明在形成子实体的两周时间内关联物使松茸子实体的产量和数量显著增加.
CLC Number:Q939.96 Document ID:A
Article ID:1672-6472(2004)04-0555-0562
Foundation Item:Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (12660153).
Author Resume:姚方杰,Corresponding author: yaofj@yahoo.com.cn
Author Unit:大贺祥治(九州大学大学院农学研究院森林资源科学部门,福冈,日本,811-2415)
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Manuscript Received:2004年5月31日
Manuscript Revised:2004年7月26日