鲍氏层孔菌培养条件的研究 ARTIFICAL CULTURE OF PHELLINUS BAUMII 刘春静 张晓阳 戴玉成 魏玉莲 摘 要:本项研究对分离于野外的鲍氏层孔菌从不同的温度、pH值以及不同的碳源和氮源的营养成分三方面进行室内培养,其结果显示鲍氏层孔菌营养菌丝生长的最适温度为28C;最佳碳源为甘露醇和葡萄糖;最佳氮源为蛋白胨,其次为牛肉膏;而pH值在6.0~8.0的范围内变化对其菌丝体生长影响不大.这些结果为将来大规模人工培植鲍氏层孔菌提供了很好的指导作用. 关键词:室内培养;最适温度;最佳碳源;最佳氮源 分类号:Q939.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6472(2005)02-0306-0309 基金项目:国家杰出青年科学基金资助(30425042) 作者简介:魏玉莲,通讯作者 作者单位:刘春静(铁岭市林业科学研究院,铁岭,112000) 张晓阳(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,沈阳,110016) 戴玉成(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,沈阳,110016) 魏玉莲(中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,沈阳,110016) 参考文献: [1]Chung KS, Kim SS, Rhyu, CH, Man WH, 1991. An investigation on the antitumor constituents ofPhellinus linteus. Korean J Mycol,19:361 [2]Han SB, Lee CW, Jeon YJ, Hong ND, Yoo ID, Yang KH, Kim HM, 1999. The inhibitory effect of polysaccharide isolated from Phellinus linteus on tumor growth and metastasis. Immunopharmacology , 41: 157~164 [3]Ikekawa T, Nakanishi M, Uehara N, Chihara, G, Fukuoka, F, 1968. Antitumor action of some basidiomycetes, especially Phellinus linteus. Gann, 59:155~157 [4]Kim YS, Park KS, Park HK, Kim SW, 1994. Compositional sugar analysis of antitumor polysaccharides by high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. Arch Phar Res, 17:337~342 [5]Kong DH, Hong ND, Han SB, 1996. Stimulation of humeral and cell mediated immunity by polysaccharide from mushroom Phellinus linteus. Intern J Immunopharmacol, 18:295 [6]Naruse S, Takeda S, Ito H, Jujii K, Terada Y, Shimura K, Sugiura M, Miyazaki T, 1974. Studies on antitumor activity of basidiomycetes:2. Antitumor effects of polysaccharides prepared from cultured basidiomycetes. Mie Meal J, 23:207~230 [7]Oho GT, Han SB, 1993. Immunostimulation activity ofPhellinus linteus extracts to B-lymphocyte. Arch Phar Res, 15:379~381 [8]Sasaki T, Arai Y, Ikekawa T, Chihara G, Fukuoka F, 1971. Anfitumor polysaccharides from some polyporaceae, Ganoderma applanatum (Pets.) Pat. and Phellinus linteus (Berk. & Curt.) Tang. Chem Pharm Bull, 19:821 菌物学报 MYCOSYSTEMA 2005 Vol.24 No.2 P.306-309