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    【发布日期】:2005-01-21  【来源】:

    标题 木屑堆积发酵料及其在栽培毛木耳上的应用

    英文标题 Fermented sawdust and its application to cultivating Auricularia polytricha

    作者 吴小平 饶益强 温志强 -- 福建农业大学地环系 福建省龙岩市食用菌办公室

    刊名 福建农业大学学报(自然科学版)

    英文刊名 Journal of Fujian Agricultural University(Natural Science)

    发表年份 1999

    发表刊期 02

    关键词 木屑;发酵;毛木耳;栽培

    英文关键词 sawdust; fermentation; Auricularia polytricha; cultivation

    文摘 对木屑堆积发酵料栽培食用菌降低污染的原因进行了较为系统的研究.结果表明,发酵料能减少污染与其可溶性糖分的减少,粗蛋白、全N、全P等营养物的增加,产生抑菌物质以及发酵过程高温杀死料中的大部分虫卵、病菌等有关.用发酵料栽培毛木耳能大幅度降低霉菌污染,提高品质,? 16L黾硬??

    英文文摘 The reason why using fermented sawdust to cultivate Auricularia polytricha could reduce pollution caused by mildew was studied systematically.It was pointed out that the reason why fermented materials could reduce pollution was related to the reduction of dissolvable sugar in fermented materials and the increase in the nutrient such as rough protein,total nitrogen,total phosphorus and killing most of the insect eggs and pathogenal at the high temperature during fermentation.It could reduce the pollution caused by mildew,improve quality and increase yield to use the fermented sawdust material for cultivating Auricularia polytricha.

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