李蒙英 谢立群
中图分类号:S436.46+2 文献标识码:A
文章编号:1003D8310(2000) 03D0019D02
Studies on the Biology of a Mushroom Midge
and its Control(Diptera:Sciaridad)
LI Mong-ying,XIE Li-qun
(Department of Biology,Suzhou University Suzhou,215151 China)
Abstract:In this paper,the morphology of a mushroom midge was observed detailedly.The pest was a common harmful insect to mushroom in Suzhou area,Jiangsu Province.The authors investigated the harm,biology,and ecology of this insect and discussed its emergence reason.According to the life characteristic and mushroom production,control methods were put forward.
Key words:mushroom midge;morphology;biology;control
李蒙英(江苏省苏州大学生物系,江苏 苏州 215151)
谢立群(江苏省苏州大学生物系,江苏 苏州 215151)