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    【发布日期】:2004-11-16  【来源】:

    The Growth and Elongation of Protocorm of Gastodia elata

    Abstract:Gastrodia elata Blume is a medicinal plant and widely distributed in Korea, China and Japan. The dried tuber of G.elata have been used as traditional herbal medicines for curing human diseases. Here, we reported the observation of developing procedure of the tuber formation from protocorn in small glass and in field conditions.

    Keywords:Gastodia elata; growth; elongation; protocorm


    Hong In Pyo  Chang Kwang Joon  Lee Tae Soo  Shim Jae Ouk  Lee Min Woong 

    摘 要:天麻是广泛分布于韩国,中国和日本的药用与真菌共生的植物,它的块茎可以作为中草药医治多种人体病害.本文观察了天麻块茎原基在三角瓶中和室外土壤中生长和延长的过程.

    关键词:天麻; 生长; 伸长; 块茎

    CLC Number:S435.673.01

    Foundation Item:Supported by NAIST of Suwon, Korea

    Author Resume:Hong In Pyo,male,researcher.Address:Applied Sericulture and Apiculture Division,NUAST,RDA,Suwon 441-707,Korea.Lee Min Woong,Corresponding author

    Author Unit:Hong In Pyo(Applied Sericulture and Apiculture Division,NUAST,RDA,Suwon 441-707,Korea) 

         Chang Kwang Joon(Applied Sericulture and Apiculture Division,NUAST,RDA,Suwon 441-707,Korea) 

         Lee Tae Soo(Dept. of Biology,University Incheon 402-749,Korea) 

         Shim Jae Ouk(Dept. of Biology,University Incheon 402-749,Korea) 

         Lee Min Woong(Dept.of Biology,Donggguk University,Seoul 100-715,Korea) 


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    2004 Vol.23 No.1

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