摘 要: 对“一喷发”在促进香菇木屑代料栽培中的出菇机理进行了研究。结果表明,一喷发能有效地促进菌丝中糖原的分解,提高菌丝的能量代谢水平。同时,对菌丝体的氮源代谢也有促进作用,能增加胞外可溶性蛋白的含量,提高酸性蛋白酶的活性。
关 键 词: “一喷发”; 促进; 香菇; 出菇; 机理
中图分类号: S646.1+2 文献标识码: A
Study on the mechanism of “Yipenfa” promotion to the fruiting of Lentinus edodes.
CHEN Zai-ming
(Edible Fungi Research Inst., Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou 310029, China)
Abstract: The mechanism of “Yipenfa” promotion to the fruiting of lentinus edodes cultivated in sawdust medium was studied. The results indicated that “Yipenfa” could effectively promote glycogen decomposition, and improve the energy metabolism and nitrogen metabolism in hyphae. It also increased the exocellular soluble protein content and the activity of acidic protease.
Key words: “Yipenfa”; promotion; lentinlus edodes; fruiting; mechanism
作者简介: 陈再鸣(1963-),男,浙江慈溪人,助理研究员,从事食用菌营养生理研究。
陈再鸣(浙江大学食用菌研究所, 浙江 杭州310029)
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