柱形虫草及其紫色野村菌无性型 CORDYCEPS CYLINDRICA AND ITS ANAMORPH NOMURAEA ATYPICOLA 李春如 陈安徽 王蒙 樊美珍 李增智 摘 要:报道安徽省滁州市琅琊山林场引起蜘蛛流行病的虫草真菌,经鉴定为柱形虫草Cordyceps cylindrica,属中国首次报道.在子座柄部可见一小块灰紫色的分生孢子层,镜检表明:由此组织分离菌株的形态学特征与后来通过子囊孢子分离获得的菌株是一致的.柱形虫草无性型为紫色野村菌Nomuraea atypicola,其培养特征也为国内首次描述.另外,在同一生境的地上叶背面,可见许多蜘蛛被紫色野村菌感染致死,虫尸被覆淡紫色菌膜,但未见孢梗束或子座. 关键词:虫生真菌,蜘蛛,有性型,对应关系分类号:Q939.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6472(2005)01-0014-0018 基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金资助. 作者简介:李增智,Corresponding author 作者单位:李春如(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 陈安徽(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 王蒙(安徽省滁州市琅琊山林场,滁州,239001) 樊美珍(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 李增智(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 参考文献: [1]Evans HC, Samson RA, 1987. Fungal pathogens of spiders. Mycologist, 21 (4): 152~154 [2]Huang B, Wang CS, Wang WM, Fan MZ & Li ZZ, 1998. Two newly recorded species of spider-pathogenic fungi. Mycosystema, 17 (4): 374~375 (in Chinese) [3]Huang NL, 1998. Colored illustrations of macrofungi (mushrooms) of China. Beijing: China Agricultural Press. 1~293 (in Chinese) [4]Hywel-Jones NL, Sivichai S, 1995. Cordyceps cylindrica and its association with Nomuraea atypicola in Thailand. Mycological Research, 99(7): 809~812 [5]Kobayasi Y, Shimizu D, 1977. Some species of Cordyceps and allies on spiders. Kew Bulletin, 31: 557~566 [6]Kobayasi Y, Shimizu D, 1983. Iconography of Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms. Osaka, Hoikusha Publishing. 1~280 [7]Kobayasi Y, 1941. The Genus Cordyceps and its allies. Science Reports of Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku, 5: 227~229 [8]Liang ZQ, 1985. Isolation and identification of conidial stage of Cordyceps gunnii. Acta Mycologica Sinica, 4: 162~166(in Chinese) [9]Mains EB, 1954. Species of Cordyceps on spiders. Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, 81: 492~500 [10]Petch T, 1937. Notes on entomogenous fungi 101-134. Trans Br Mycol Soc, 21: 34~67 [11]Petch T, 1939. Notes on entomogenous fungi 135-160. Trans Br Mycol Soc, 23: 127~148 [12]Samson RA, 1974. Paecilomyces and some allied hyphomycetes. Studies on Mycology, Baarn. 6: 1~119 [13]Shimizu D, 1994. Color Iconography of Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms. Tokyo: Seibundo Shinkosha. 1~380 [14]黄年来, 1998. 中国大型真菌原色图鉴. 北京:中国农业出版社. 1~293 [15]黄勃, 王成树, 王未名, 樊美珍, 李增智, 1998. 蜘蛛病原真菌二新记录. 菌物系统, 17: 374~375 [16]梁宗琦, 1985. 古尼虫草分生孢子阶段的分离和鉴定. 真菌学报, 4 (3): 162~166 菌物学报 MYCOSYSTEMA 2005 Vol.24 No.1 P.14-18