标题 从赤芝提取的氨基葡聚糖对大鼠实验性溃疡的保护作用
英文标题 Protective effects of glycosaminoglycan isolated from Ganoderma lucidum on experimental ulcers in rats
作者 高益槐 新西兰梅西大学食品、营养和人类健康学院,奥克兰 候建明 中国海军青岛疗养院,山东,青岛,266071 蓝进 中国海洋大学营养药物研究所,山东,青岛,266003 唐文波 新西兰天然药物研究所,奥克兰 高鹤 新西兰天然药物研究所,奥克兰
作者简介 高玉槐(1949-),男,教授.研究方向:真菌,天然药物.
刊名 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)
发表年份 2003
发表卷号 32
发表刊期 2
发表页码 245-248
关键词 赤芝 提取物 氨基葡聚糖 大鼠 实验性溃疡 保护作用
英文关键词 Ganoderma lucidum P glycosaminoglycan P isolate P rat P experimental ulcer P protective effect
分类号 S853.2,S853.7
文摘 为观察从赤芝提取的氨基葡聚糖对实验性溃疡大鼠的保护作用,采取多步骤从灵芝子实体提取氨基葡聚糖并用色谱法对化学分解产物进行鉴定.大鼠溃疡造型用应激法(冷水中游泳30 min)、醋酸法、消炎痛法和幽门结扎法诱导产生.氨基葡聚糖以0.5 g@kg-1和1.0 g@kg-1剂量溶于灭菌水中备用,氨基葡聚糖溶液在应用诱导剂后立即用胃管灌胃法给药,在冷水游泳和幽门结扎前30 min,同法给药.对照组接受相同量的赋形剂,雷尼替丁以100 mg@kg-1剂量作阳性对照.结果表明:氨基葡聚糖与雷尼替丁对照同样可以降低胃中氢离子浓度(P<0.001),其预防溃疡发生效应较醋酸法和消炎痛法更为显著;取自灵芝的氨基葡聚糖,是一种具有抗溃疡的活性多糖,其作用机制有待进一步探讨.
英文文摘 To investigate the protective effects of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) from Ganoderma lucidum on experimental ulcersin rats. GAG was isolated from the fruiting body of G. lucidum using a multi-step procedure and the resulting extract was i-dentified by chromatographic methods and chemical analyses of hydrolysates. Rat experimental ulcers were induced by stress(swimming in cold water for 30 min), administration of acetic acid or indomethacin, and ligation of gastric pylorus. GAG (0.5and 1.0 g @ kg-1) was dissolved in sterile water and administered by force-feeding (gastrogarage) immediately before ulcer-in-ducer administration or 30 min before the start of swimming in cold water and ligation of gastric pylorus. Control animals re-ceived the same amount of vehicle. Ranitidine (100 mg @ kg-1, p. o. ) was used positive control. The results indicated thatGAG had similar effects on the reduction of the ulcer formation and free gastric H+ levels (P<0.001) compared with raniti-dine-treated group. The preventive effects appeared to be more marked in the acetic acid- and indomethacin-treated groups.These results indicate that GAG isolated from G. lucidum is an active polysaccharide component with ulcer-healing effects.Further studies are required to explore the mechanism of the action of GAG.
基金项目 新西兰自然科学基金.
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