白灵侧耳(白灵菇)交配系统特性的研究 姚方杰 张友民 李玉 摘 要:通过连锁分析对白灵侧耳(白灵菇)交配系统特性进行了研究,结果表明:白灵侧耳的交配系统由A、B两对不亲和性因子构成,A、B不连锁,其中A因子由独立的1个亚基构成,B因子由2个遗传距离为1 cM的α、β亚基构成;供试的双核菌株及其4个交配型基准株A1B1、A2B2、A1B2和A2B1的菌丝生长最适宜温度分别为26.1℃、26.9℃、25.9℃、26.4℃和25.4℃. 关键词:不亲和性因子;交配型基准株;温度特性 分类号:Q939.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6472(2005)04-0539-0542 STUDY ON CHARACTERISTICS OF MATING-TYPE SYSTEM IN PLEUROTUS NEBRODENSIS YAO Fang-Jie ZHANG You-Min LI Yu 作者单位:姚方杰(吉林农业大学园艺学院) 张友民(吉林农业大学园艺学院) 李玉(吉林农业大学菌物研究所,长春,130118) 参考文献: [1]Anon., 1995. Fundamental Experiment Techniques of Edible Mushrooms (No.4). Mushroom Science, 2 (4): 27~31 [2]Anon., 1996. Fundamental Experiment Techniques of Edible Mushrooms (No.8). Mushroom Science, 3 (4): 21~27 [3]Cao H, 1998. Genetic analysis on the incompatibility factor characteristics in a bipolar basidiomycetes Pholiota nameko [Ph.D.Dissertation].Tottori, Japan:Tottori University [4]Frankel C, Ellingboe AH, 1977. Sexual incompatibility factors and somatic recombination Schizophyllurm commune. Genetics, 35:427~437 [5]Jia SM, 2004. Non-pollution Production Technology of Pleurotusferulae. Beijing: China Agricultural Press, 71~91 [6]Keiep H, 1923. Uber erbliche Anderungen von Geschlechtsfaktoren bei Pilzen. Z. I. A. V., 31:170~183 [7]Lin C, Chen BS, Li FR, 2004. Advances in studies on mushroom Pleurotusferulae. Journal of Microbiology, 24 (3):46~49 [8]Lin FC, Zhang CT, 1995. Analysis of incompatibility factors in cultivated strains of Lentinus edodes in China. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 14 (5): 459~466 [9]Mao XL, 2000. The Macrofungi in China. Zhengzhou: Henan Science and Technology Press, 64~66 [10]Papazian H P, 1951. The incompatibility factors and a related gene in Schizophyllum commune. Genetics 36:441~459 [11]Paul M, Tomomi N, Nobuhiro M, Yutaka K, 1995. An empirical rule for breeding high-optimum-temperature strains of Flammulina velutiped. Nippon Kingakukai Kaiho, 36:158~163 [12]Raper J R, Krongeble G S, Baxter M G, 1958. The number and distribution of incompatibility factors in Schizophyllum commune. Amer Nat,92:221~232 [13]Takemaru T, 1962. The genetics of mating system in the mushroom review. Reports of the Tottori Mycological Institute, 2:41~45 [14]Takemaru T, Suzuki M, Migaki N, 1995. Isolation and genetic analysis of auxotrophic mutants in Flammulina velutips. Nippon Kingakukai Kaiho, 36:152~157 [15]Wang B, Tang LM, Xiong Y, Jiang L, 2003. Evaluation on germplasm of Pleurotus nebrodensis. Mycosystem, 22 (3): 502~503 [16]Yao FJ, 2002. Analysis of the Gene Linkage Map and the Di-mon Mating Mechanism of Pleurotus citrinopileatus and Studies on the Selection of Its High-Optimum-Temperature Strains. Changchun: Jilin Agricultural University Doctoral Dissertation [17]Yao FJ, Li Y, 2002. Study on characteristics of mating-type system in Pleurotus citrinopileatus. Journal of Jilin Agricultural University,24 (2): 61~63 [18]Yao FJ, Li Y, 2003. Review of studies on incompatibility factors of basidiomycota. Journal of Fungal Research, 1 (1): 55~57 [19]Yao FJ, Xiao J, Li Y, 2004. Sexual compatibility analysis of Pleurotus citrinopileatus and P. cornucopia. Edible Fungi of China, 23 (5): 8~9 [20]保罗,野上友美,森信宽,北本丰,1995.金针菇的高温型品种的选育.日菌报,36:158~163 [21]贾身茂,2004.白灵菇无公害生产技术.北京:中国农业出版社,71~91 [22]林春,陈保生,李荣春,2004.白灵菇研究进展.生物学杂志,24(3):46~49 [23]林芳灿,张树庭,1995.中国香菇栽培菌株不亲和性因子的分析.华中农业大学学报,14(5):459~466 [24]卯晓岚,2000.中国大型真菌.郑州:河南科学技术出版社,64~66 [25]食用菌实验编辑委员会,1995.食用菌基础实验技术(第四回).食用菌科学,2(4):27~31 [26]食用菌实验编辑委员会,1996.食用菌基础实验技术(第八回).食用菌科学,3(4):21~27 [27]王波,唐利民,熊鹰,姜邻,2003.白灵侧耳(白灵菇)种质资源评价.菌物系统,22(3):502~503 [28]武丸恒雄,铃木瑞穗,三垣尚美,1995.金针菇营养缺陷突变体的分离与遗传分析.日菌报,36:152~157 [29]武丸恒雄,1962.食用菌交配系统的遗传的研究概况.鸟取微生物协会研究报告,2:41~42 [30]姚方杰,李玉,2003.担子菌不亲合性因子的研究概况.菌物研究,1(1):55~57 [31]姚方杰,李玉,2002.金顶侧耳交配系统特性的研究.吉林农业大学学报,24(2):61~63 [32]姚方杰,肖靖,李玉,2004.金顶侧耳与黄白侧耳性亲和特性的研究.中国食用菌,23(5):8~9 [33]姚方杰,2002.金顶侧耳基因连锁图谱与双-单交配机制解析及高温型菌株选育研究.长春:吉林农业大学博士学位论文 菌物学报 2005年第4期-HTM文件 No.11