台湾虫草的被毛孢无性型新种及其对黄粉虫的侵染研究 李春如 夏成润 林英任 樊美珍 李增智 摘 要:报道采自安徽省黄山风景区的台湾虫草Cordycepsformosana,多批次收集弹射的子囊孢子分离得到其无性型,经鉴定为一被毛孢新种,命名为黄山被毛孢Hirsutella huangshanensis.黄山被毛孢在米饭培养和自制的虫草培养基上均能长出子实体,其菌落及子实体颜色与天然虫草较为相似,但未见成熟的子囊壳.应用黄山被毛孢RCEF0868菌株对饲喂昆虫黄粉虫进行感染试验,结果表明:黄粉虫在菌落接触感染、刚蜕皮幼虫的穿刺接种和孢子浓度1.0×107/ml浸蘸处理下,获得了相对较高的侵染率,分别达到30%、25%和25%,刚蜕皮幼虫一般比深色幼虫组其侵染率较高,1×105/ml孢子浓度浸蘸试虫不论是刚蜕皮或老熟幼虫均不能感染.10d后被感染的黄粉虫形成僵虫,继续保湿培养20d后,体表节间膜处形成白色菌膜,粘片镜检表明感染真菌即为供试菌株.40d后,可见子实体原基及孢梗束,尚未见成熟的子囊壳. 关键词:黄山被毛孢;虫生真菌;侵染率 分类号:Q939.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6472(2005)03-0349-0355 HIRSUTELLA HUANGSHANENSIS SP.NOV., THE ANAMORPH OF CORDYCEPS FORMOSANA AND ITS INFECTION ON TENEBRIO MOLITOR LI Chun-Ru XIA Cheng-Run LIN Ying-Ren FAN Mei-Zhen LI Zeng-Zhi 基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金资助 作者简介:樊美珍,Corresponding 作者单位:李春如(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036;安徽医科大学基础医学院,合肥,230032) 夏成润(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 林英任(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 樊美珍(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 李增智(安徽农业大学微生物防治省重点实验室,合肥,230036) 参考文献: [1]Hywel-Jones NL, 1997. Hirsutella species associated with hoppers (Homoptera) in Thailand. Mycol Res, 101 (10): 1202~1206 [2]Kobayasi Y, 1941. The genus Cordyceps and its allies. Sci. Rep. Tokyo Bun. Daig. Ser. B. 5, No, 84:53~260 [3]Kobayasi Y, Shimizu D, 1981. The genus Cordyceps and its allies from Taiwan (Formosa). Bull Natn Sci Mus, 7 (4): 113~122 [4]Kobayasi Y, 1982. Keys to the taxa of the genera Cordyceps and Torrubiella. Trans Mycol Soc Jap, 23:329~364 [5]Kobayasi Y, Shimizu D, 1983. Iconography of Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms. Osaka: Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd. 1~280 [6]Li CR, 2003. Research development on anamorph of Cordyceps during the past ten years. Research and Application of Entomogenous Fungi in China, 5:45~53 (in Chinese) [7]Li CR, Fan MZ, Huang B, Wang SB, Li ZZ, 2002. The genus Cordyceps and its allies fromAnhui I. Mycosystema, 21 (2): 167~171 [8]Li, CR, Fan MZ, Huang B, Li ZZ, 2001. Hirsutella longissima sp. nov., the anamorph of Cordyceps longissma. Mycosystema, 20 (1):29~34 (in Chinese) [9]Liang ZQ, 1985. Isolation and identification of conidial stage of Cordyceps gunnii. Acta Mycologica Sinica, 4:162~166 (in Chinese) [10]Liang ZQ, 1990a. Studies on classification of the genus Hirsutella Pat. I. Advances and the characteristics of taxonomy. Journal of GuizhouAgric Coll, 9 (1): 58~68 (in Chinese) [11]Liang ZQ, 1990b. Classification of the genus Hirsutella Pat. Ⅱ. Key of species to the genus Hirsutella Pat. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3 (3): 32~39 (in Chinese) [12]Liang ZQ, 1991. Two new entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Hirsutella. Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences,4 (1): 51~56 (in Chinese) [13]Sato H, Shimazu M, 2002. Stromata production for Cordyceps militaris (Clavicipitales: Clavicipitaceae) by injection of hyphal bodies to alternative host insects. Appl Entomol Zool, 37 (1): 85~92 [14]Shimizu D, 1994. Color Iconography of Vegetable Wasps and Plant Worms. Tokyo: Seibundo Shinkosha. 1~380 [15]Wang GD, 1995. Cordyceps spp.: Ecology, Cultivation and Application. Beijing: Scientific and Technical Literature Publishing House.1~307 (in Chinese) [16]李春如,2003.近十年来虫草无性型研究进展.中国虫生真菌研究与应用(第五卷).北京:中国农业科学技术出版社,45~53 [17]李春如,樊美珍,黄勃,李增智,2001.被毛孢属一新种--长座虫草的无性型.菌物系统,20(1):29~34 [18]梁宗琦,1985.古尼虫草分生孢子阶段的分离和鉴定.真菌学报,4(3):162~166 [19]梁宗琦,1990a.被毛孢属(Hirsutella Pat.)的分类研究Ⅰ.进展及分类特征.贵州农学院学报,9(1):58~68 [20]梁宗琦,1990b.被毛孢属的分类研究Ⅱ.已知种的检索.西南农业学报,3(3):32~39 [21]梁宗琦,1991.被毛孢属的两种新昆虫病原真菌.西南农业学报,4(1):51~56 [22]王国栋,1995.冬虫夏草类生态培植应用.北京:科学技术文献出版社.1~307 菌物学报 2005年第3期-HTM文件 No.8