近日,国际真菌学协会(International Mycological Association)在其会刊 IMA Fungus 上刊登了中国菌物学会副理事长中科院微生物研究所白逢彦研究员获得Johanna Westerdijk奖的消息和颁奖词。2022年4月底,在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举办的 “the Rise of the Fungi” 学术研讨会上,白逢彦研究员获此奖项。
评奖委员会在颁奖词中评价:“白逢彦是世界真菌学领域的主要权威之一,在酵母菌系统学、生物多样性和进化方面独具特长。在他的整个职业生涯中,他对亚洲和全球的真菌学产生了巨大而切实的影响。他是一位备受欢迎的演讲者和组织者,并将继续激励下一代真菌学家。他的研究更新了酵母菌的总体分类框架,并澄清了拉格啤酒酵母和酿酒酵母驯养种群的东亚起源。他还获得了许多其他学术成就、奖项和推荐。然而,他今天被特别授予Westerdijk奖,却是因为他在菌种保藏中心保藏了大量酵母菌,从而确保这些真菌可供后来人研究。这些培养物是他和他的团队倾注了大量时间和资源,历经多年收集的。作为真菌学界的一员,我们感谢他建立了这个令人难以置信的资源基础,并相信未来的学者将在这个优越的平台上继续发展。”该奖项是荷兰皇家科学院(KNAW) Westerdijk 真菌生物多样性研究所(原CBS)评选和颁发的科学奖,用以奖励对CBS菌种保藏做出突出贡献并在真菌学研究生涯中成就卓著者。因疫情原因,白逢彦未能现场领奖。
颁奖现场附:英文原文介绍Johanna Westerdijk award: Feng‑Yan BaiAwarded on special occasions to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the culture collection of the CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, marking a distinguished career in mycology. Nominees for the award will be evaluated on the basis of quality, originality, and quantity of their contributions to the collection, and on the basis of associated mycological research in general.Feng-Yan is one of the World’s leading authorities in mycology with particular expertise on the systematics, biodiversity, and evolution of yeasts. Throughout his career, he has had a monumental and tangible impact on mycology in Asia and globally. He is a sought-after speaker and organizer and continues to inspire the next generation of mycologists. His research has updated the overall taxonomic framework of yeast, as well as clarified the Far-East Asian origin of the lager beer yeast and the domesticated population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. He has also had many other academic successes, awards and recommendations. He is recognized as a special recipient of the Westerdijk Award today, however, as he has deposited a huge collection of yeasts in the culture collection, thereby ensuring that these fungi remain available for research by future generations. These cultures were collected by him and his team over many years, and as such represent a major investment of time and resources. As mycological community, we thus thank him for this incredible foundation, and trust that students in years to come will continue to build on this wonderful platform.
白逢彦 简介
中国科学院微生物研究所研究员,中国科学院大学教授、博士生导师。国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国务院政府特殊津贴获得者。现兼任中国菌物学会副理事长兼秘书长、国际酵母菌委员会委员、国际食品真菌委员会委员等职。主要从事酵母菌资源、系统进化和酿造微生物组等研究。建成了我国最大的酵母菌资源库和遗传多样性全球最高的酿酒酵母资源库;发表酵母菌新纲3个、新目5个、新科20个、新属60个、新种200余个;重建了酵母菌重要类群的分类系统;确立了酿酒酵母和拉格啤酒酵母的中国/东亚起源说;阐明了酿酒酵母杂交优势的分子机制;揭示了传统白酒酿造微生物多样性和功能。已在高影响力国际学术期刊上发表论文120余篇,并以主要编辑身份参与国际酵母菌研究权威专著和工具书《The Yeasts》的编著。