Doi: 10.13346/j.mycosystema.220495
Breeding new cultivars of Flammulina filiformis ‘Zhejin 102’, Lentinula edodes ‘L901’ and Hericium erinaceus ‘Zhelinhou No. 2’
‘浙金102’是‘ZAASFy006’通过多孢自交、系统选育的适宜工厂化栽培的浅黄色金针菇新品种,子实体丛生,菌盖圆形、光滑,菌柄直,基部绒毛少,平均产量达到394 g/瓶,栽培周期61-66 d。‘L901’是‘LTH’通过多孢自交、系统选育的适宜工厂化及设施栽培的香菇新品种,菇盖圆整、厚实、褐色,表面鳞片明显,菇柄细短,柄盖比小,口感好,优质菇比例高,前三潮子实体平均产量941.7 g/棒,三潮栽培周期160 d。‘浙林猴2号’是‘常山猴头99号’经化学诱变选育的适宜设施栽培的猴头菇新品种,子实体肉质、无分枝,头状或倒卵形,无柄,菌刺下垂,粗多糖、粗纤维含量高,平均产量达562 g/袋,适宜浙江省自然气候栽培。
‘Zhejin 102’ is a pale yellow cultivar of Flammulina filiformis screened through multi-spore self-fertilization and systematic breeding and appropriate to factory cultivation. It is characteristic of clustered basidiomata with round caps, smooth and straight stipes, and few villi at base. The average yield reaches 394 g/bottle and the cultivation period is 61–66 d. ‘L901’ is a new cultivar of Lentinula edodes screened through multi-spore self-fertilization and systematic breeding and appropriate to factory and facilities cultivation. It is characteristic of round, solid and brown caps, obvious surface scales, thin and short stipes, small ratio of stipe to cap, good taste and high proportion of high-quality products. The average yield of the first three harvests of basidiomata is 941.7 g/cultivated rod and the cultivation period is 160 d. ‘Zhelinhou No. 2’ is a new cultivar of Hericium erinaceus screened through chemical mutation breeding of parent ‘Changshan Houtou No. 99’ and appropriate to facilities cultivation. It is characteristic of fleshy basidiomata with no branches, head-shape or obovate-shape, no stem, droopy spur, and high content of polysaccharides and crude fibers. The average yield reaches 562 g/bag and it is appropriate to be cultivated under natural climate conditions in Zhejiang Province.
冯伟林,金群力,沈颖越,魏海龙,蔡为明,2023. 金针菇‘浙金102’、香菇‘L901’和猴头‘浙林猴2号’的选育报告. 菌物学报,42(10): 2152-2156
Feng WL, Jin QL, Shen YY, Wei HL, Cai WM, 2023. Breeding new cultivars of Flammulina filiformis ‘Zhejin 102’, Lentinula edodes ‘L901’ and Hericium erinaceus ‘Zhelinhou No. 2’. Mycosystema, 42(10): 2152-2156
图1 金针菇‘浙金102’
Fig. 1 Basidiomata of Flammulina filiformis ‘Zhejin 102’.
图2 香菇‘L901’
Fig. 2 Basidiomata of Lentinula edodes ‘L901’.
图3 猴头菇‘浙林猴2号’
Fig. 3 Basidiomata of Hericium erinaceus ‘Zhelinhou No. 2’.