【作者】 侯国亮; 赵守贤; 程灵芝; 侯东颖;
【Author】 HOU Guo-liang,ZHAO Shou-xian,CHENG Ling-zhi,HOU Dong-ying3(1.Agricultural Sciences Cash Crops,Institute of Shanxi Academy,Fenyang Shanxi 032200;2.Ziyuan Microbiology Co.,Ltd.Shanxi,Fenyang Shanxi 032200;3.Shanxi University,Taiyuan Shanxi 030006)
【机构】 山西省农业科学院经济作物研究所; 山西紫苑微生物有限公司; 山西大学;
【摘要】 醋糟栽培白灵菇的技术要点包括母种试管扩繁、醋糟栽培料的配置、原种与栽培种的制备与培养;在3个大棚(333 m2)进行示范,制定出工厂化栽培的工艺流程;推广中由人工装袋改用装袋机装袋,提高了栽培效率;在山西汾阳市推广2年来,经济效益十分显著。
【Abstract】 The technical points of cultivating Pleurotus nebrodensis using vinegar residued include the propagation of the female parent test tubes,the configuration of planting vinegar residue materials,and the preparation and cultivation of original species.Three greenhouses(333 m2) using for demonstration,the process of industrial cultivation were work out.The wang of machine bagging were promote,which improved the cultivation efficiency.At last,this technique had been popularized in Fenyang City of Sha...
【关键词】 醋糟; 白灵菇; 栽培; 推广;
【Key words】 Vinegar residue; Pleurotus nebrodensis; Cultivation; Promotion;