【作者】 张桂香; 杨建杰; 耿新军; 王英利;
【Author】 ZHANG Gui-xiang,YANG Jian-jie,GENG Xin-jun,WANG Yin-li (Vegetable Research Institute,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730070)
【机构】 甘肃省农业科学院蔬菜研究所;
【摘要】 对双孢蘑菇侵染性病害防治中的5种化学药剂进行了筛选。结果表明,药剂喷施培养料和喷施覆土均有一定的防病作用,但施用时期不同、浓度不同效果差异较大。喷施培养料以50%多菌灵.硫可湿性粉剂1∶(1 000~1 500)倍液、75%百菌清可湿性粉剂1∶2 400倍液、30%百.福可湿性粉剂1∶2 000倍液,菌丝生长健壮、防病效果好、出菇早、出菇整齐、产量高,产量较喷施清水的对照提高2.4%~12.2%;喷施覆土以30%百.福可湿性粉剂1∶(1 600~2 400)倍液、70%福.甲硫.硫可湿性粉剂1∶(1 500~2 000)倍液,菌丝生长健壮、防病效果好、出菇早、出菇整齐、产量高,产量较对照提高31.6%~48.7%。
【Abstract】 Five control chemicals for infectious diseases of Agaricus bisporus were screened in this study.The results showed that spraying chemical to composts and covering soil had control effects.There were significant differences among various application time and concentration.Spraying 50% carbendazolosulfur wettable powder(1∶1 000~1∶1 500),75% chlorothalonil wettable powder(1∶2 400),30% baiofu wettable powder(1∶2 000) to composts resulted in short cycle,orderly growth and high efficiency,which yield ...
【关键词】 双孢蘑菇; 侵染性病害; 化学药剂; 筛选;
【Key words】 Agaricus bisporus; Infectious diseases; Chemicals; Screening;
【基金】 甘肃省科技重大专项“冷凉山区双孢蘑菇产业关键技术提升与示范”项目研究内容(编号:0801XKDH030)