【作者】 姜性坚; 王春晖; 彭运祥; 李新菊; 胡汝晓; 王小艳; 卢赛红;
【Author】 JIANG Xing-jian,WANG Chun-hui,PENG Yun-xiang,LI Xin-ju, HU Ru-xiao,WANG Xiao-yan,LU Sai-hong(Hunan Province Edible Fungi Institute,Changsha Hunan 410013)
【机构】 湖南省食用菌研究所;
【摘要】 利用杏鲍菇下脚料,经堆积发酵处理,与普通饲料按15∶85比例配制成杏鲍菇下脚料有机复混肥,用作茶园基肥、蔬菜床肥、花床肥,其肥效明显优于复合肥、化肥、猪粪、牛粪,且肥效期长,对土壤有增加肥力的作用,且使用方便;利用杏鲍菇下脚料经晒干处理后,添加到饲料中调配成杏鲍菇下脚料混合饲料,用来喂猪,猪生长正常,增重效果明显优于普通饲料,且适口性好。
【Abstract】 In this paper,the waste of producing Pleurotus eryngii were treated by fermentating,and mixed with common fertilizer in proportion 15∶85.This orgnic fertilizer could be used as the basal fertilzer of planting tea and as bed fertilizer of planting vegetable and flower.Its fertility was better than mixed fertilizer,chemical fertilizer and pig or cow dung’s.Its fertilizering period was long.This fertilizer can incresed fertility of oil and be easy to be used.The waste of producing Pleurotus eryngii...
【关键词】 杏鲍菇下脚料; 杏鲍菇下脚料有机复混肥; 杏鲍菇下脚料混合饲料;
【Key words】 Pleurotus eryngii fermentated; Pleurotus eryngii fermentated orgnic fertilizer; Pleurotus eryngii fermentated mixed feed;
【基金】 国家农业科技成果转化资金项目“珍稀菌杏鲍菇原生质体融合新品种选育及集约化优质高效生产技术成果转化”,项目编号:2009D20053;国家食用菌工程技术中心研究项目“湖南省食用菌产业升级相关技术的研究与示范”,项目编号:2009FU115X07