【作者】 柳青; 郭华芳; 周振辉; 陈秋颜; 邵满超; 陈多扬; 杨小兵;
【Author】 LIU Qing1,GUO Hua-fang1,ZHOU Zhen-hui2,CHEN Qiu-yan2, SHAO Man-chao2,CHEN Duo-yang2,YANG Xiao-bing2(1.Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion,Chinese Academy of Science,Guangzhou Guangdong 510640; 2.Institute of Microbiology of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou Guangdong 510070)
【机构】 中国科学院广州能源研究所; 广东省微生物研究所;
【摘要】 以广州科学城的"南方食用菌菌种优良新品种繁育与示范栽培基地"为案例,阐述了节能技术在食用菌工厂化生产中的系统设计和综合应用效果。首次采用热泵和热回收相结合的技术;创新设计全人工环境实时调控系统,调节优化食用菌栽培环境,保障产品质量及稳定性;创新设计封闭式的环境控制和空气过滤系统,隔离虫害和杂菌的侵染途径。该示范基地整个系统实现了综合节能20%以上。
【Abstract】 In this article,the example of the base of breeding and cultivation of the distinct and new strains of south edible fungus were studyed,which was operated in Guangzhou science town.In this case,the systemamtic design and the synthesis application effect of the energy-saving technology in the edible fungus factory in China were analysed.It was the first time to use the new technology of combining the heat pump and heat recovery.In an addition,the real time regulative system used in the totally ma...
【关键词】 节能技术; 工厂化生产; 食用菌;
【Key words】 Energy-saving technology; Industrialized production; Edible fungus;
【基金】 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作项目“食用菌安全节能工厂化栽培技术及示范”(编号2009B091300141);广州市科技计划项目“食用菌多品种节能工厂化生产关键技术示范”(编号2010Z1-E261)