【作者】 章慧; 张劲松; 贾薇; 冯娜; 唐传红; 杨焱; 唐庆九; 刘艳芳; 潘迎捷;
【Author】 ZHANG Hui1,2,ZHANG Jingsong1,JIA Wei,FENG Na,TANG Chuanhong,YANG Yan TANG Qingjiu,LIU Yanfang,PAN Yingjie2 1National Engineering Research Center of Edible Fungi;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding;Institute of Edible Fungi,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai 201403,China; 2Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China
【机构】 农业部南方食用菌资源利用重点实验室国家食用菌工程技术研究中心上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所; 上海海洋大学;
【摘要】 采用超临界CO2(SFE-CO2)技术萃取灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)子实体中的三萜成分,通过单因素试验和正交试验确定最佳条件为:子实体粒度10目、夹带剂95%乙醇、压力35Mpa、温度40℃、时间2.5h、CO2流量35g/min、夹带剂体积:子实体重6∶1(mL/g),萃取物的得率为2.42%,总三萜的得率为0.98%,萃取物中三萜的含量为40.5%。与传统的醇提法相比,SFE-CO2法中粗提物和总三萜的萃取率略低,但粗提物中三萜的含量较高,且HPLC研究表明,SFE-CO2的粗提物中三萜的种类较多。
【Abstract】 Single parameter and orthogonal tests were used to determine the optimal conditions for extracting triterpenes from Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies using supercritical CO2 extraction(SFE-CO2).Highest extraction rates were achieved when fruit bodies were pulverized to 10 mesh particle size,an entrainer(ethanol) concentration of 95%,35 Mpa extraction pressure,40 ℃,2.5 h extraction time,a carbon dioxide flow rate of 35 g/min),and an entrainer:G.lucidum fruit body weight ratio of 6∶1(mL∶g).Under thes...
【关键词】 灵芝三萜; 超临界CO2萃取; 醇提法;
【Key words】 Ganoderma lucidum; triterpene; supercritical CO2 extraction;
【基金】 上海市农委食用菌深加工关键技术研究与示范[编号:农科攻字2008(8-2)]的部分研究内容