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    破壁处理对灵芝孢子粉质量的影响Effect of Sporoderm Breakage on the Quality of Ganoderma lucidum Spore Powders


    【作者】 赵晓燕; 倪伟锋; 邢增涛; 门殿英; 白冰;

    【Author】 ZHAO Xiaoyan1,NI Weifeng2,XING Zengtao1,MEN Dianying1,BAI Bing1 1Institute of Agro-food Standards and Testing Technology,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai 201403,China;2The National Fishery Technical Extension Center,Beijing 100125,China

    【机构】 上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所; 全国水产技术推广总站;

    【摘要】 对机械法破壁前后灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum)孢子粉中粗脂肪、粗多糖、三萜、微量元素铬以及氧化程度(酸值、过氧化值和羰基值)的变化进行了比较。结果表明,破壁处理有利于灵芝孢子粉中三萜、粗多糖、粗脂肪等成分的溶出,增加了人体对上述物质吸收和利用的可能性,但破壁后微量元素铬的含量及代表油脂酸败程度的过氧化值和羰基值亦明显升高。

    【Abstract】 Crude fat,polysaccharide,triterpene and chromium levels,and selected chemical indices(acid value,peroxide value,carbonyl values),were determined in intact and broken Ganoderma lucidum spores provided by commercial suppliers located in different areas of China,and were used to evaluate the effect of mechanical breakage of the sporoderm on the quality of the resultant G.lucidum spore powder.Mechanical breakage of the sporoderm facilitated the release of the spore polysaccharides,triterpenes and cr...

    【关键词】 灵芝孢子粉; 破壁; 粗脂肪; 粗多糖; 三萜; 铬; 酸值; 过氧化值; 羰基值;

    【Key words】 Ganoderma lucidum spores; mechanical breakage of the sporoderm; crude fat; polysaccharides; triterpenes; chromium; acid,peroxide and carbonyl values;

    【基金】 上海市科委技术标准专项(编号:06DZ05131)的部分研究内容


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