【作者】 钱静亚; 张志才; 黄达明; 崔凤杰;
【Author】 QIAN Jingya,ZHANG Zhicai,HUANG Daming, CUI Fengjie College of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China
【机构】 江苏大学食品与生物工程学院;
【摘要】 研究了转化桑叶的毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus)子实体对四氧嘧啶诱导的糖尿病小鼠体重、血糖、血清胰岛素、肝糖原、果糖胺、血脂代谢、体内氧化压力、肝脏中糖代谢酶活性等的影响。转化桑叶的鸡腿菇子实体提高了单一毛头鬼伞子实体或桑叶的降血糖作用,促进了胰岛素分泌,降低了体内氧化压力,提高了糖代谢的酶活性,但对血脂调节作用不显著。
【Abstract】 Coprinus comatus fruit bodies were cultivated on a substrate containing mulberry leaves. After harvesting, the fruit bodies were dried and pulverized, the resultant powder (CFTM) was fed to diabetic mice, and the effects on body weight, the levels of blood sugar, serum insulin, hepatic glycogen and fructosamine, blood lipid metabolism, oxidative stress indicators, and enzyme activities related with glucose metabolism in the liver, were evaluated. CFTM exhibited a higher hypoglycemic effect compa...
【关键词】 毛头鬼伞; 子实体; 桑叶粉; 桑叶提取物; 降血糖;
【Key words】 Coprinus comatus; mushroom fruit body; mulberry leaf powder; mulberry leaf extract; hypoglycemic effect;
【基金】 江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金(编号:1283000268);南通社会发展基金(编号:S2008004)的部分研究内容~~