【作者】 祁亮亮; 安颖; 李玉;
【Author】 QI Liangliang,AN Ying,LI Yu Jilin Agricultural University,Edible and Medicinal Fungi Engineering Research Center of the Education Ministry,Changchun,Jilin 130118,China
【机构】 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心;
【摘要】 对采自辽宁省老秃顶子国家级自然保护区的野生褐褶边小奥德蘑(Oudemansiella brunneo-marginata)进行生物学特性和驯化栽培探究。试验结果表明,褐褶边小奥德蘑在阔叶树木屑加富培养基(配方4:200g马铃薯,200g阔叶木屑,20g葡萄糖,3g磷酸二氢钾,1.5g硫酸镁,15g琼脂,1000mL蒸馏水,pH自然)上生长较好,适宜碳、氮源分别是葡萄糖、蔗糖和蛋白胨,适宜pH为7;在3种供试培养料中均能形成子实体,其中在阔叶树木屑培养料中(78%阔叶树木屑,20%麸皮,1%石灰,1%白砂糖,60%左右含水量)发菌最快,形成原基最早、数量最多。
【Abstract】 Selected biological characteristics and the artificial cultivation of an Oudemansiella brunneomarginata strain,collected from the Old Bald-head National Nature Reserve located in Liaoning Province,is reported.Mycelia derived from the mushroom fruit body grew well on a medium(pH unadjusted) consisting of(/L): potato 200 g,broad-leaved wood 200 g,glucose 20 g,potassium dihydrogen phosphate 3 g,magnesium sulfate 1.5 g and agar 15 g.Mycelium grew well when glucose or sucrose served as the carbon sou...
【关键词】 褐褶边小奥德蘑; 生物学特性; 驯化栽培;
【Key words】 Oudemansiella brunneomarginata; biological characteristics; artificial cultivation;
【基金】 国家农业部现代农业产业技术体系建设项目;东北地区野生食用菌资源保育与利用的部分研究内容