【作者】 阮瑞国; 丁李春; 罗仰奋; 阮惠明;
【Author】 RUAN Ruiguo,DING Lichun,LUO Yangfen,RUAN Huiming(Ning De Agriculture Institute,Fu’an,Fujian 355003,China)
【机构】 福建省宁德市农业科学研究所;
【摘要】 在葡萄园中利用垫圈18个月的零排放猪舍垫料(简称废垫料)进行双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)栽培试验。结果表明,在葡萄园中采用组成为92%废垫料,1%尿素,2%过磷酸钙,2%石灰,3%石膏的培养料可获得与常规培养料接近的栽培效果,可作为葡萄园中栽培双孢蘑菇的推荐培养料。
【Abstract】 A mixture consisting of 50% rice chaff and 50% sawdust,supplemented with(per cubic meter) 2kg fresh pig manure,2kg rice bran and a live microbial preparation(Lingpaifang No.Ⅰdiluted 1000-fold to adjust the overall water concentration to 45%)was fermented for 2-3days at 70℃and then used as feed and bedding material in a pig house.After 18 months,the spent litter remaining was incorporated into two growth substrate formulae used to cultivate Agaricus bisporus in a vineyard.One of these(Substrate B...
【关键词】 双孢蘑菇; 零排放猪舍垫料; 废料; 葡萄园; 栽培;
【Key words】 Agaricus bisporus; spent pig litter; mushroom cultivation in vineyards;
【基金】 福建省宁德市科技局重点科技项目(编号:20100047)的部分研究内容