【作者】 耿小丽; 刘宇; 赵爽; 王英男; 王守现; 许峰; 林秀敏;
【Author】 GENG Xiao-li,LIU Yu,ZHAO Shuang,WANG Ying-nan,WANG Shou-xian,XU Feng,LIN Xiu-min(Institute of Plant Protection and Environmental Protection,Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097)
【机构】 北京市农林科学院植保环保研究所;
【摘要】 为了解决食用菌产业发展中的菌糠再利用技术问题,对菌糠替代棉籽壳栽培食用菌的效果进行了试验。结果表明,菌糠可替代部分棉籽壳原料栽培杏鲍菇使用,生物学效率可达38.28%,与CK相比差异不显著。食用菌菌糠的再利用技术对提高农业资源的有效循环利用具有重要的实践指导意义。
【Abstract】 The study was aim to resolve the reuse problem of mushroom culture waste in edible fungi industry.Some culture waste as culture materials were added to take the place of cotton seed hulls.The results showed that the biological efficiency of Pleurotus eryngii was 38.28% when some of culture materials were replaced with culture waste,which was not significantly different compared with controls.It is important that the reuse technique in mushroom culture was applied in agricultural resource recycle...
【关键词】 菌糠; 栽培食用菌; 生物学效率; 杏鲍菇;
【Key words】 Spent mushroom substrate; Edible fungi of cultivation; Biology efficiency; Pleurotus eryngii;
【基金】 北京市科委项目“山区食用菌废弃菌棒循环利用关键技术研究与应用”(D08060500470803)