【作者】 肖奎; 周青; 李明元; 黄家莉; 徐锦;
【Author】 XIAO Kui1,ZHOU Qing1,LI Ming-yuan2,HUANG Jia-li2,XU Jin2(1.Rongzhen Mushrooms,Chengdu Sichuan 611733; 2.Institute of Biological Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu Sichuan 610039)
【机构】 成都榕珍菌业有限公司; 西华大学生物工程学院;
【摘要】 通过对杏鲍菇生产过程中菌丝纤弱稀淡(弱菌丝)菌包的培养料进行微生物检测和不同温度培养试验,探索了菌包培育过程中出现菌丝纤弱稀淡和培育周期延长的原因。结果表明,引起菌丝生长缓慢和纤弱稀淡的根本原因是培养料灭菌不彻底,料包在冷却过程中细菌大量增殖;常压灭菌的料包在冷却过程中当培养料温度在40℃~70℃区间时,引起"弱菌丝"现象的腐败细菌快速增殖,55℃时为最佳增殖温度,通过对冷却过程温度和时间的控制能有效避免"弱菌丝"现象,确保产量和质量的稳定。
【Abstract】 Through microbe detection and different temperature cultivation,the reason of causing weak mycelium were explored.The results showed that the weak mycelium originated from incomplete sterilization of culture medium.During the cooling process of medium,suitable temperature provided the advantage for the bacterial proliferation.When the medium at a temperature between 40℃ and 70℃,the pathogenic bacteria reproduced quickly,and reached the top at 55℃.So it was effective to avoid weak mycelium by rap...
【关键词】 杏鲍菇; 常压灭菌; 菌包培育; 弱菌丝;
【Key words】 Pleurotus eryngii; Atmospheric pressure sterilization; Fungus bag cultivation; Weak mycelium;
【基金】 四川省科技支撑计划项目“有机食(药)用菌工厂化生产技术集成与示范”(11ZC1377);成都市科技攻关计划项目“食用菌工厂标准化生产关键技术研究与示范”(10GGZD211NC-268)