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    血红铆钉菇子实体中化学成分类型及多糖含量Major Chemical Constituents and Polysaccharide Content of Chroogomphus rutilus F


    【作者】 李华; 卫敏; 薛龙龙; 刘钟栋;

    【Author】 LI Hua,WEI Min,XUE Longlong,LIU Zhongdong Henan University of Technology,Zhengzhou,Henan 450052,China

    【机构】 河南工业大学粮油食品学院;

    【摘要】 利用中药材的系统预试验方法对血红铆钉菇(Chroogomphus rutilus)子实体所含主要化学成分类型进行鉴定。结果表明,该菇中含有氨基酸、蛋白质、多糖、内酯、香豆素、酚类、甾类、萜类和脂肪族化合物。血红铆钉菇子实体水提醇沉后的粗多糖得率为6.34%,多糖含量约为子实体干重的4.60%。

    【Abstract】 Analytical methods used to determine the composition of medical plants were adopted to identify the main components of Chroogomplus rutilus fruit bodies.Analyses revealed that the fruit bodies contained amino acids,protein and polysaccharide,lactones,cacmarin,phenolic compounds,steroids,terpenes and aliphatics.Crude polysaccharide was obtained in 6.34% yield from dry fruit bodies using water extraction and ethanol precipitation.The crude extract contained 72.56% polysaccharide,equivalent to a co...

    【关键词】 血红铆钉菇; 化学成分; 类型鉴定; 多糖含量;

    【Key words】 Chroogomphus rutilus; chemical constituent; identification of component type; polysaccharide concentration;
    【基金】 河南工业大学博士基金项目(编号:2009BS206)的部分研究内容


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