【作者】 林中麟; 石建林; 林雷通; 曾文龙; 钟礼义; 王斌;
【Author】 LIN Zhonglin1,SHI Jianlin1,LIN Leitong1,ZENG Wenlong1,ZHONG Liyi2, WANG Bin3 1Longyan Tobacco Industrial Co.,Ltd,Wuping,Fujian 364000,China; 2 Edible Fungi Station of Wuping Agriculture Bureau,Wuping,Fujian 364300,China; 3 Fuangfeng Edible Fungi Co.,Ltd,Wuping,Fujian 364300,China
【机构】 龙岩市烟草公司; 武平县农业局食用菌站; 武平县双凤食用菌有限公司;
【摘要】 利用不同比例的烟秆替代常规培养料中的棉籽壳或稻草栽培毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus),结果表明,烟秆可替代棉籽壳或稻草栽培毛头鬼伞,且可促进菌丝生长,缩短生产周期,产量与对照无显著性差异;用25%~50%的烟秆替代棉籽壳的配方栽培毛头鬼伞,得到的子实体产量与质量与对照相当,但能节省原料成本4~8元/m2,具有显著的经济效益。
【Abstract】 Coprinus comatus was cultivated on a series of substrates in which the cotton seed hulls or straw components were replaced with different amounts of tobacco stalks.Mycelial growth was faster and the cultivation cycle was shorter on substrates containing 10% or more tobacco stalks.There was no significant difference either in fruit body yields or the percentage of commercial quality fruit bodies compared with controls without tobacco stalks,but costs were decreased between ~4 to 8 yuan per square...
【关键词】 毛头鬼伞(鸡腿菇); 烟秆; 产量; 成本;
【Key words】 Coprinus comatus; tobacco stalks; fruit body yield; substrate costs;
【基金】 龙岩市烟草公司基金项目[岩烟司(2011)15号]的部分研究内容