Effect of Different Casing and Watering Regimes on Coprinus comatus Fruit Body Formation
【作者】 赵现方; 王斌; 武忠伟; 王振河;
【Author】 ZHAO Xianfang,WANG Bin,WU Zhongwei,WANG Zhenhe School of Life Science and Technology,Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang,Henan 453003,China
【机构】 河南科技学院生命科技学院;
【摘要】 在实验室中采用不同的覆土及喷施水处理,研究覆土中诱导毛头鬼伞(Coprinus comatus)出菇的因素。结果表明,覆原土组的出菇率为100%,且出菇个数多,菌盖直径1.7~3.0cm;覆无菌土组与不覆土组,仅浇灌原土悬液的有少量菇蕾形成,且菌盖直径小,最大直径只有1.5cm,其它处理均未形成菇蕾。证明原土中的微生物是诱导毛头鬼伞子实体形成的必要因素。
【Abstract】 The effects of different casing(untreated garden soil,sterilized garden soil,no casing) and watering(tap water,sterilized tap water,aqueous extracts of untreated garden soil) regimes on Coprinus comatus fruit body formation were evaluated under laboratory conditions using glass cultivation bottles(10 cm high,6 cm diameter).The highest numbers of fruit bodies were recorded when untreated garden soil was used for casing purposes irrespective of the adopted watering regime.No fruit bodies were form...
【关键词】 鸡腿菇; 覆土; 子实体;
【Key words】 Coprinus comatus; casing soil; fruit body;
【基金】 河南科技学院高层次人才启动项目(编号:5049)资助