Cultivation of Hericium erinaceus Using Powdered Camellia oleifera(Oil-seed Camellia) Seed Coats and Chestnut Shells
【作者】 吕明亮; 李伶俐; 应国华; 薛振文; 叶荣华; 王伟平; 朱琼;
【Author】 LV Mingliang1,2,LI Lingli1,2,YING Guohua1,2,XUE Zhenwen1,2,YE Ronghua, WANG Weiping3,ZHU Qiong1 1Lishui Forestry Research Institute,Lishui,Zhejiang 323000,China; 2Lishui Dashan Mushroom Industry Exploitation Ltd.Lishui,Zhejiang 323000,China; 3Yunhe Shannong Edible Fungi Corporation,Yunhe,Zhejiang 323600,China
【机构】 丽水市林业科学研究院; 丽水市大山菇业研究开发有限公司; 云和山农食用菌专业合作社;
【摘要】 将板栗蒲、油茶蒲替代部分杂木屑栽培猴头菌(Hericium erinaceus),菌丝生长及出菇试验表明:与对照相比,油茶蒲添加量为20%、40%时,猴头菌菌丝生长速度快;添加量为63%时,产量提高29.2%,显著高于对照。配方中添加板栗蒲菌丝生长速度以及产量与对照相比差异不显著。由于板栗蒲、油茶蒲较杂木屑便宜,故均可作为猴头菌栽培基质加以利用。
【Abstract】 Powdered Camellia oleifera(Oil-seed Camellia) seed coats and chestnut shells were included as components of substrates used to cultivate H.erinaceus.Highest fungal mycelium growth rates were recorded when the growth substrate included 20% or 40% powdered C.oleifera seed coats.Fruit body yields were increased 29.2% when substrates contained 63% C.oleifera powder,which represented a significant difference(P 0.05) compared with controls.No significant difference(P 0.05) compared with controls was o...
【关键词】 猴头菌; 板栗蒲; 油茶蒲; 配方; 生物学效率;
【Key words】 Hericium erinaceus; powdered chestnut shell; Camellia oleifera powder; growth substrate; biological efficiency;
【基金】 浙江省优先主题重点项目(编号:2009C13049);丽水市科技项目(编号:20074015)的部分研究内容