【作者】 王翾; 符虎刚; 孙涛;
【Author】 WANG Xuan1,Fu Hu-gang1,SU Tao2(Depart ment of Boljilu Engineering xi’an Voutional and Technical Cdlege,xi’an Shanxi 710071)
【机构】 西安职业技术学院生物工程系; 陕西省兽药监察所;
【摘要】 猪苓是一种名贵的药用真菌,对乙型肝炎有一定的疗效,近年来受到人们的关注。本文系统地讲述了猪苓的人工栽培技术,栽培的注意事项及发展现状。
【Abstract】 Polyporus umbellatus was a valuable medicinal fungi,which had some efficacy against hepatitis B.In recent years it received people’s attention.The Polyporus umbellatus artificial cultivation techniques,cultivation notes and development status were systematically described.
【关键词】 猪苓; 栽培技术;
【Key words】 Polyporus umbellatus; Cultivation techniques;