物理方法提取香菇可溶性氮的研究Studies on the Extraction of the Soluble Nitrogen from Lentinus edodes by Physical
【作者】 柴向华; 唐忠盛; 吴克刚; 罗辑; 王胜利; 潘显宗;
【Author】 Methods CHAI Xiang-hua1,TANG Zhong-sheng1,WU Ke-gang1,LUO Ji1,WANG Sheng-li2,PAN Xian-zong2(1.Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Light Industry,Guangdong University of Technolog,Guangzhou Guangdong 510006; 2.Bai Weijia Food Co.,Ltd.of Dongguan,Dongguan Guangdong 523416)
【机构】 广东工业大学轻工化工学院; 东莞市百味佳食品有限公司;
【摘要】 为有效提取香菇中的可溶性含氮化合物,通过对高速组织捣碎机、胶体磨和高压均质机3种机械物理破壁的比较,最终确定采用高压均质机以达到最佳的破壁效果,从而释放菌体细胞内大量的可溶性含氮化合物。通过对均质工艺单因素及正交实验的探讨,得到最适工艺条件为均质压力40 MPa、均质温度50℃、均质料液比1∶7、均质次数2次,可溶性氮释放率可达到78.84%。
【Abstract】 To extract effectively soluble nitrogen compounds from mushrooms,broken by waring blender,colloid mill and high-pressure homogenizer were studied.A great deal of soluble nitrogen compounds was obtained due to the best optimal wall-broken efficiency by high-pressure homogenizer.Through the single factors and orthogonal test,soluble nitrogen release rate achieved to 78.84% under the optimal process conditions,such as homogeneous pressure of 40 MPa,homogeneous temperature of 50℃,material to liquid ...
【关键词】 香菇; 破壁; 可溶性氮;
【Key words】 Lentinus edodes; Wall-breaking; Soluble nitrogen;
【基金】 广东省部属科研结合项目2010B090400029;广东省科技计划项目2009B020312011