Establishment and Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System of Inonotus obliquus
【作者】 闫可; 尹勇刚; 傅常娥; 陈艳秋; 冉丽萍;
【Author】 YAN Ke,YIN Yong-gang,FU Chang-e,CHEN Yan-qiu,RAN Li-ping(Agricultural College of Yanbian University,Yanji Jilin 133002)
【机构】 延边大学农学院;
【摘要】 采用改良CTAB法提取了桦褐孔菌总DNA,确定ISSR最适25μL反应体系为模板DNA浓度15 ng.μL-1,dNTPs浓度150μmol.L-1,引物浓度25μmol.L-1,Taq DNA聚合酶浓度2.0 U,Mg2+浓度1.4 mmol.L-1,10×buffer 2.5μL,其余用ddH2O补足;确定ISSR扩增程序为:94℃预变性5 min,35个循环:94℃变性1 min、45℃~51℃退火1 min(退火温度因不同引物而定)、72℃延伸1 min,最后72℃延伸5 min,4℃保存。筛选出16条ISSR引物,并成功应用引物UBC842完成了21株桦褐孔菌的ISSR-PCR反应。
【Abstract】 The high quality genome total DNA of Inonotus obliquus extracted fast through the CTAB law,was used in ISSR amplification.And the optimal 25 μL ISSR reaction system of Inonotus obliquus was determined.The template DNA density was 15 ng·μL-1,dNTPs was 150 μmol·L-1,the primer density was 25 μmol·L-1,the Taq DNA polymerase was 2.0 U,the Mg2+ concentration was 1.4 mmol·L-1,the 10×buffer density is 2.5 μL,and the rest are supplemented with the double-distilled water.And the procedures of ISSR amplifi...
【关键词】 桦褐孔菌; ISSR; 反应体系; 优化;
【Key words】 Inonotus obliquus; ISSR; Reaction systerm; Optimization;
【基金】 国家自然基金项目部分内容,编号:31160408