Material and Energy Study on Primary Fermentation of Agaricus bisporus
【作者】 任鹏飞; 任海霞; 姚强; 韩建东; 曲玲; 万鲁长; 李瑾; 宫志远;
【Author】 REN Peng-fei,REN Hai-xia,YAO Qiang,HAN Jian-dong,QU Ling,WAN Lu-zhang,LI Jin,GONG Zhi-yuan(Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan Shandong 250100)
【机构】 山东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所;
【摘要】 一次发酵过程中,外中内3层温度变化趋势都是上升的,第3 d至第6 d发酵堆温度上升明显,从第6 d到第18 d,温度变化变化不太明显,呈稳定趋势;碳氮比、有机质、粗蛋白外中内3层成起伏变化,波动比较明显;木质素含量一开始缓慢下降,一次发酵结束至隧道式发酵开始前,含量迅速下降,是木质素降解的关键时期。
【Abstract】 In primary fermentation process,the outside temperature changed in the trends within the three are rising,the third day to the sixth day of temperature increased significantly,from the sixth day to day 18,less obvious changed in temperature,was stable trends.Ratio of carbon to nitrogen,organic,crude protein in the inner layer into the outer ups and downs fluctuations obvious.Lignin content declined slowly at the beganing,between the end of primary fermentation and the start of the tunnel ferment...
【关键词】 双孢蘑菇; 一次发酵; 物质能量;
【Key words】 Agaricus bisporus; Primary fermentation; Material and energy;
【基金】 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项