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    刺芹侧耳菌糠及其提取液对糙皮侧耳生长的影响Effect of Pleurotus eryngii Spent Mushroom Substrate on the Mycelial Growth and Fruiting of Pleurotus ostreatus

    【作者】 刘天翔; 陈世昌; 高玉千; 戚元成; 申进文; 邱立友;

    【Author】 LIU Tianxiang1,CHEN Shichang2,GAO Yuqian1,QI Yuancheng1,SHEN Jinwen1,QIU Liyou1(1College of Life Science,Henan Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Enzyme Engineering of Agricultural Microbiology,Ministry of Agriculture,Zhengzhou,Henan 450002,China;2Henan Agricultural Vocational College,Zhengzhou,Henan 451450,China)

    【机构】 河南农业大学生命科学学院农业部农业微生物酶工程重点实验室; 河南农业职业学院;

    【摘要】 分别用刺芹侧耳(Pleurotus eryngii)菌糠提取液替代PDA培养基中马铃薯煮汁和刺芹侧耳菌糠替代常规培养料中的玉米芯,考察菌糠对糙皮侧耳(P.ostreatus)菌丝生长及子实体产量的影响。结果表明,随着菌糠提取液替代比例的增加,菌丝生长速度有减慢的趋势,当替代比例为100%时,菌丝生长速度显著低于对照。然而,随着菌糠替代玉米芯比例的增加,菌丝长速加快,且第一茬菇产量增加。当替代比例为26%和39%时,糙皮侧耳的生物学效率显著高于对照,分别比对照高9.2%和11.4%。

    【Abstract】 Extracts of spent mushroom substrate(SMS) from Pleurotus eryngii cultivation and the SMS itself were used respectively to replace the potato in potato dextrose agar(PDA) medium for growing mycelia cultures and the corn cob component of substrate used to cultivate P.ostreatus fruit bodies.P.ostreatus mycelium grew more slowly on PDA plates as the potato component was increasingly replaced with SMS extract,and the growth rate was significantly lower compared with controls without added SMS extract...

    【关键词】 刺芹侧耳(杏鲍菇); 糙皮侧耳; 菌糠; 玉米芯; 菌丝生长; 产量;
    【Key words】 Pleurotus eryngii; P.ostreatus; spent mushroom substrate; corn cob; mycelial growth; mushroom yield;
    【基金】 河南省科技攻关项目(编号:082102150048)的部分研究内容


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