【作者】 田果廷; 陈卫民; 苏开美; 柴红梅; 李树红; 赵永昌;
【Author】 TIAN Guoting,CHEN Weimin,SU Kaimei,CHAI Hongmei,LI Shuhong,ZHAO Yongchang(Institute of Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Science,Kunming,Yunnan 650223,China)
【机构】 云南省农业科学院生物技术与种质资源研究所;
【摘要】 采用优良的金耳(Tremella aurantialba)菌株,对以稻草、棉籽壳、硬杂木屑、中药渣、阔叶树木屑为主的培养料及配比进行了栽培实验。实验结果显示,除稻草栽培未能出菇,其它材料均可用于金耳代料栽培,其中89.8%中药渣,8%玉米粉,1%蔗糖,1%石膏粉,0.2%磷酸二氢钾配方的基质栽培生物学效率达55%。
【Abstract】 Rice straw,cotton seed hulls,hardwood sawdust,broadleaf tree sawdust and the residue generated by processing of the traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) that originally contained 60% Yunnan begonia herb,20% purple bergenia herb and 20% Herba Erigerontis were used as the main component of different composts adopted for the artificial cultivation of Tremella aurantialba.Mushroom fruit bodies were produced on all the compost formulae except that containing rice straw.Biological efficiency reached 55% ...
【关键词】 金耳; 代替栽培; 中药渣;
【Key words】 Tremella aurantialba; artificial cultivation; Chinese medicine processing residue;
【基金】 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(编号:2008BADA1B03、2006BAD06B08)的部分研究内容