生产用金针菇菌种退化的快速判断Rapid Differentiation of Degenerat Commercial Cultivars of Flammulina velutipes
【作者】 马丹丹; 余昌霞; 陈辉; 赵楚楚; 于海龙; 曹晖;
【Author】 MA Dandan1,YU Changxia1,CHEN Hui1,ZHAO Chuchu1,2,YU Hailong1,CAO Hui1(1Institute of Edible Fungi,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences;Key Laboratory of Edible Fungi Resources and Utilization(South),Ministry of Agriculture,P.R.China;National Engineering Research Center of Edible Fungi;National R&D Center for Edible Fungi Processing;Key Laboratory of Agricultural Genetics and Breeding of Shanghai,Shanghai 201403,China;2College of Life Sciences,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095,China)
【机构】 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所,农业部南方食用菌资源利用重点实验室,国家食用菌工程技术研究中心,国家食用菌加工技术研发分中心,上海市农业遗传育种重点开放实验室; 南京农业大学生命科学学院;
【摘要】 取发生不同程度菌种退化的相同来源的金针菇(Flammulina velutipes)工厂化袋栽菌株和栽培菌包,观察其在PDA平板上的分纯情况和形态特征;采用LBL液体培养基检测不同菌株对培养基的脱色情况。实验结果表明:这些退化菌株经过分离可以得到不同菌落形态的分离菌株,而且对LBL液体培养基表现不同的脱色能力,退化严重的菌株脱色能力最差,说明LBL液体培养基的脱色反应结合菌种纯度的检测可以在一定程度上排除生产上的退化菌株。
【Abstract】 Three Flammulina velutipes cultivars,designated KW,YH and YQ,originally derived from the same source strain and adopted individually by three different companies for commercial cultivation,exhibited different degrees of degeneration manifested by the delayed formation of primordia(from five to 30 days) or the inability to form fruit bodies.Following subculture from either stock culture slants or cultivation bags on to potato dextrose agar,each source gave rise to several different morphological ...
【关键词】 金针菇; 菌种退化; 溴百里芬蓝; 脱色反应;
【Key words】 Flammulina velutipes; strain degeneration; bromothymol blue; decolorization reaction;
【基金】 国家科技支撑计划项目(编号:2010BAK69B18);上海市科委崇明科技攻关专项(编号:10DZ1960100);上海市科委重点科技攻关项目(编号:11391901003)的部分研究内容