The Application of Optimum Medium for Spawn of Agaricus bisporus by Spent Substrate of Kirin Mushroom
【作者】 林俊扬; 陈政明; 李碧琼; 邱春锦; 郭丽琼;
【Author】 LING Jun-yang,CHEN Zheng-ming,LI Bi-qiong,QIU Chun-jing,GUO Li-qiong
【机构】 福建省莆田市农科所; 华南农业大学生物工程系; 华南农业大学生物质能研究所;
【摘要】 以不同比例的麒麟菇菌糠配合棉籽壳、牛粪等基质进行双孢蘑菇原种培养基配方筛选试验。结果表明:菌糠是蘑菇原种生产的好材料,菌糠∶棉籽壳∶牛粪为58∶20∶20、38∶40∶20、48∶40∶10的配比比较适合双孢蘑菇菌丝生长,其中菌糠∶棉籽壳∶牛粪为58∶20∶20时表现最好。
【Abstract】 In the screening test of the optimum medium for stock spawn of Agaricus bisporus,spent substrate of Kirin mushroom(Qi-lin mushroom),cotton seed hull(CSH)and cow dung were used as basal substrates with different proportions.The results show that spent mushroom substrate(SMS) is a good material for stock spawn of mushroom.Three medium formulae which are suitable for the growth of mycelium respectively consist of SMS,CSH and cow dung with different mass ratios as 58:20:20;38:40:20;48:40:10;among wh...
【关键词】 菌糠; 双孢蘑菇; 原种; 培养基;
【Key words】 Spent mushroom substrate(SMS); Agaricus bisporus; Stock seed medium;
【基金】 莆田市科技计划项目[2008N15(1)];“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目子课题(编号:2008ADA1B02)