General Chemical Components and Natural Active Substances in Ultrasonic Circulating Extract Powder of Ganoderma lucidum
【作者】 陈体强; 吴岩斌; 毛方华; 王宏雨;
【Author】 CHEN Ti-qiang1 MAO Fang-hua1 WU Yuan-bin2 WANG Hong-yu1(1.Institute of Edible Fungi,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350013,China; 2.Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fuzhou 350108,China)
【机构】 福建省农业科学院食用菌研究所; 福建中医药大学;
【摘要】 采用超声波循环提取获得一种新的灵芝提取物。分析表明,其蛋白质34.41 g.100-1.g-1、可溶性粗多糖40.0 g.100-1.g-1和矿质元素磷1.66 mg.g-1的含量分别高于普通灵芝提取物32.96%、29.45%和30.71%。提取物中均含有18种氨基酸,全氨基酸总量为17.43 g.100-1.g-1,较普通提取物12.95 g.100-1.g-1高34.57%;此外,还检出2种天然活性成分--γ-氨基丁酸和牛磺酸,含量分别为21.92 mg.100-1.g-1和45.97 mg.100-1.g-1。液相质谱分析结果:从提取物中分离检测到至少13个清晰的分子离子峰,m/z范围为266.1~678.5,与香豆素、甾醇类、三萜酸及三萜皂苷等小分子天然活性成分的分子量信息相匹配。
【Abstract】 A new extract was prepared by Ultrasonic circulating extraction(UCE),with Ultra-fine particles of log-cultivated fruiting bodies as productive material.Analyzed results showed that content of protein,crude polysaccharide and mineral element P in new extract powder were 34.41 g·100-1·g-1,40.0 g·100-1·g-1and 1.66/mg·g-1,respectively,and higher 32.96%,29.45% and 30.71% than that in ordinary extract powder.There were eighteen kinds of amino acids in the extract powders,and the contents of total amin...
【关键词】 灵芝; 浸膏粉; 超声波循环提取; 一般化学成分; 天然活性成分;
【Key words】 Ganoderma lucidum; extract powder; Ultrasonic circulating extraction; general chemical component; active component;
【基金】 福建省公益类科研院所基本科研专项(2009R10038-4);福建省农业科学院创新团队重点项目(STIF0Y08-6)