Utilization of Cotton Stem on Pleurotus eryngii Cultivation
【作者】 刘宇; 王兰青; 王守现; 许峰; 耿小丽; 赵爽; 孟莉莉; 王英男;
【Author】 LIU Yu,WANG Lan-qing,WANG Shou-xian,XU Feng,GENG Xiao-li, ZHAO Shuang,MENG Li-li,WANG Ying-nan(Institute of Plant Protection and Environment Protection,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097)
【机构】 北京市农林科学院植物保护环境保护研究所;
【摘要】 对棉柴栽培杏鲍菇配方进行了研究,结果表明:发酵棉柴与未发酵棉柴栽培配方均有利于杏鲍菇菌丝的生长,在20%~80%范围内,杏鲍菇的菌丝生长速度与配方中发酵棉柴的添加量成正比;对于未发酵棉柴来说,在20%~60%范围内,杏鲍菇的菌丝生长速度与配方中棉柴的添加量成正比。添加棉柴有利于杏鲍菇产量的提高,棉柴添加量为40%的配方⑥(未发酵棉柴40%;棉籽壳40%;麦麸15%;豆粕粉3%;糖1%;石膏1%)和配方②(发酵棉柴40%;棉籽壳40%;麦麸15%;豆粕粉3%;糖1%;石膏1%)生物学效率较高。
【Abstract】 This research focused on Pleurotus eryngii cultivation by utilize cotton stem as substrate.The result suggested that both fermented cotton stem and unfermented cotton stem are beneficial for mycelia growth,Pleurotus eryngii mycelia growth rate is proportional with the fermented cotton in the total substrate between 20%~80%;as far as unfermented cotton stem was concerned,Pleurotus eryngii mycelia growth rate is proportional with total substrate between 20%~60%.Utilize cotton stem as substrate is ...
【关键词】 棉柴; 杏鲍菇; 配方; 产量; 生物学效率;
【Key words】 Cotton stem; Pleurotus eryngii; Substrate; Yield; Biological efficiency;
【基金】 国家食用菌产业技术体系(CARS-24);北京市科委重大科技项目(D101105046210001)