Compariative Study of High-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus Strains
【作者】 肖自添; 叶耀程; 何焕清; 叶志坚; 李明珠; 郭巨先;
【Author】 Xiao Zi-tian1,Ye Yao-cheng2,He Huan-qing1,Li Ming-zhu1,Guo Ju-xian1 1.Vegetable Research Institute,Guangdong Academy of Agriculture,Guangzhou 510640,China 2.Heyuan Tianxianhu Agriculture Development Co.Ltd.,Heyuan 517000,China)
【机构】 广东省农科院蔬菜研究所; 河源市天仙湖农业发展有限公司;
【摘要】 通过对14个平菇菌株在菌丝形态特征、子实体形成物候期、商品性及产量等方面进行对比试验,筛选出适合广东地区高温季节栽培的优良品种:P139(白色)、殷育20(灰褐色)。
【Abstract】 After the comparison study on mycelial growth characteristics,fruitbody growing period and morphology,as weill as yield of 14 Pleurotus ostreatus strains,two good strains with high yield and suitable for cultureing in high temperature seasons such as summer and autumn in guangdong were selected,there are the white colour strain P139 and the dust-colour strain Yinyu 20.
【关键词】 平菇; 高温; 品比;
【Key words】 Pleurotus ostreatus; High-temperature; Compariation;
【基金】 广东省科技计划项目“广东省主产食用菌种质资源收集与评价”部分内容,项目编号:2009B060600003