A Study on Contents of Active Components of Populations of Paecilomyces militaris Liang in Middle Yunnan
【作者】 王百乐; 虞泓; 曾文波; 赵舒涵; 杨俊媛; 陈自宏;
【Author】 WANG Bai-le,YU Hong,ZENG Wen-bo,ZHAO Shu-han,YANG Jun-yuan,CHEN Zi-hong(Yunnan Herbal Laboratory,Institute of Herb Biotic Resources,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091)
【机构】 云南大学中草药生物资源研究所云百草实验室;
【摘要】 试验对来自于云南和辽宁8个不同居群的蛹虫草进行菌种分离,共获得72株蛹草拟青霉菌株,对其在人工栽培条件下菌丝体的虫草多糖和虫草酸含量进行测定分析,以野生蛹虫草及冬虫夏草的虫草多糖和虫草酸含量为对比,比较其差异性。分析和统计表明:云南蛹虫草居群菌丝体虫草多糖和虫草酸平均含量,普遍高于我国东北蛹虫草居群菌丝体的;云南嵩明居群菌丝体虫草多糖和虫草酸平均含量最高,与其他居群菌丝体相比差异显著,其中云南嵩明居群cmilSM5号菌株菌丝体虫草多糖和虫草酸含量在所有菌株菌丝体中最高,与其他菌株相比差异显著。
【Abstract】 The 72 strains of Cordyceps militaris(Link.Fries)Link were isolated from Yunnan and Liaoning Province in China.The strains were identified as Paecilomyces militaris Liang.The mycelia from the 72 strains were cultured by PPDA,respectively.The contents of Cordyceps polysaccharides and cordycepic acid of the mycelia samples was determined from the 72 strains.The statistic results showed that the average contents of cordyceps polysaccharides and cordycepic acid from mycelia of Yunnan populations wer...
【关键词】 蛹虫草; 蛹草拟青霉; 活性成分; 菌丝体; 虫草多糖; 虫草酸; (D-甘露醇);
【Key words】 Cordyceps militaris(Link.Fries)Link; Paecilomyces militaris Liang; Mycelium; Active component; Cordyceps polysaccharides; Cordycepic acid;
【基金】 云南省应用基础研究重点项目(2008CC019)“云南虫草遗传资源及其开发利用研究”