Design and Practice of Cherry Picking Contemporary with Ssoil-cultivated Mushrooms in Orchards
【作者】 陈青君; 秦岭; 张国庆; 刘松; 李金海; 马学斌;
【Author】 CHEN Qing-jun1,QIN ling1,ZHANG Guo-qing1,LIU Song2,LI jin-hai2,MA Xue-bin(1.Department of Plant Science and Technology,Beijing Agricultural College,Beijing 102206,China; 2.Garden Bureau,Beijing Landscape Bureau,Beijng100029,China)
【机构】 北京农学院; 北京市园林绿化局治沙办;
【摘要】 结合樱桃采摘进行了地栽食用菌实现果菇同步采摘的设计与实践。结果表明:在春天和初夏,地栽灰树花、鸡腿菇、双孢菇、粉红平菇、榆黄蘑、杏鲍菇可以在5月下旬至6月上旬出菇,实现了与樱桃同时采摘,香菇不太适合于樱桃林下栽培。樱桃林地4月中旬至6月中旬10cm地温和最低气温维持在10℃~23℃范围,对于地栽食用菌子实体的发生非常有利。对促进食用菌在观光休闲产业的定位与作用具有现实意义。
【Abstract】 The objective of the present study was to design and practice synthetical systems of cherry picking contemporary with soil-cultivated mushrooms in orchards.The results showed that soil cultivated mushrooms,such as Grifola frondosa,Copyinds comatus,Agaricus bisporus,Pleurotus djamor,Pleurotus citrinopileatus,and Pleurotus eryngii,can be soil-cultivated at the end spring or early summer,and harvested fruiting bodies at May to June,just the same harvest time of cherries.Lentinus edodes is not suita...
【关键词】 食用菌; 樱桃; 采摘; 设计;
【Key words】 Mushrooms; Cherry; Picking; Design;
【基金】 北京市科委项目“生态涵养发展区沙地资源高效利用模式研究(林地食用菌部分)”Z101105002510003